Do you know around a billion mails are sent everyday by MailChimp? 2 million blog posts are published everyday!
Why? To achieve the ultimate goal, ie getting new clients.
Well, we all know clients are difficult, and client acquisition is an art all together – but however, whatever – clients are the most of your business (if not everything) and you need to travel the extra mile for them irrespective of how difficult it might be!
The main objective of any agency while acquiring a client should not be about boosting revenue, instead it should be about maintaining an everlasting, mutual relationship. But life is not always sweet and sugar. There are more chances than not that you would be unsuccessful in achieving it. The reason? Well, there can be more reasons than one – a blunder in your client acquiring strategy, your product is not up to the mark, or maybe because your competition was better than you! Remember, a mistake is nothing but learning until you are ready to work on it. So, let’s give you a pre-prepared list of the common mistakes that most businesses do, only to find themselves regretting later:
Expecting too much
A 1M Dollar investment would not give you a 1M Dollar return in a week. In fact, in most of the cases, a customer acquisition journey is a long one. Right from the need realization to the final purchase, your potential customer is most likely researching your competitors, and looking for more value for money in better alternatives. The ultimate conclusion is that the investment might look bad on a short-term horizon, but don’t do drastic changes, instead believe in yourself – slow and steady wins the race!
Having very low financial resources
Customer acquisition is one of the most expensive segments of any business. Sadly, most of the businesses have no clear idea about how much resources they must allocate to acquire a client – that gives rise to unrealistic expectations. Remember, every new market comes with a price tag and the investment is not one-time, it’s a cycle. So, don’t set your financial resources too low and venture into every business territory with caution and realistic expectations.
Following the crowd
Frankly, if you are just one among a thousand others – it is as equal to as being lost or non-existent. A classic example of following the herd is the large shift of all the businesses to Instagram Ads and influences. Businesses totally unaware about the ROI of Instagram are just blindly promoting it on this social media app primarily because others are doing it. The crowded marketplace or worn-out strategies would never fetch you the kind of results your own niche can fetch you. So, comprehend, research and then strategize!
Blowing your First Impression
No matter how you try to ignore this fact, first impressions are everything. So give it all you have in the first meeting with the customer. If not, tough luck, but that customer is never coming back to you so no point scheduling further meetings or making follow-ups, it would just be further drainage of resources.
Assuming your first-time visitors will be permanent
The first point itself revealed that unrealistic expectations would be worse you could do to yourself and to your business. New businesses tend to have an early sign of quick traffic, and you more often than not fall into this trap. But, believe me, the short-term traffic is – first because you are new and second because you have just started. So, if you make long term decision based on this – it would prove to be a loss in the long run.
Above all, whenever a new customer visits, you can’t expect them all to be your lifelong customers for the simple reason you can’t be a fit to everyone’s needs and demands and even if you are, either you couldn’t communicate that properly or they couldn’t comprehend.
So by now, you would have understood that acquiring a new customer is a daunting process with a huge probability of committing mistakes that could cost you millions. So, how about handing this gun to someone else’s shoulder? You heard that right. You can outsource this exhausting task to customer acquisition companies like that promise you the deliverance of quality leads for your business. Wouldn’t life be so much better without the extra headache of customer acquisition?