A Texas couple struggling to afford healthcare for their disabled daughter are contemplating a divorce so the mother may be listed on paper as single and unemployed and quality for Medicaid.
Maria and Jake Grey, who reside in Sanger along with their two daughters, Brighton, six, and Fairen, two, say their eldest suffers a genetic chromosomal disorder called Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome and requires around-the-clock care.
The pair told WFAA that Brighton suffers hearing and vision impairment and well as seizures as a result of the disorder that has severely delayed her growth and development.
‘When you have a newborn everything gets really stressful and you have to really adapt to somebody needing you 24/7… we’ve had a newborn for six and a half years,’ Maria said.
Maria and Jake Grey are pictured above with their daughters Brighton, six, (left) and Fairen, two. Brighton suffers a genetic chromosomal disorder called Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome
Maria was reduced to tears as she spoke about her anxiety each time she would walk to the mail box.
‘I was scared of what would come or what bill would come or what denial would come,’ she said.
The happily married couple have been forced to consider the option of divorce because their child’s health comes first.
‘We promised each other and to her that we would do whatever we could do to make her life – however long she is going to be with us – as good as possible,’ Maria said, adding that they ‘wouldn’t have made it this far without each other.’
Dr. Thaddeus Miller, a health care policy expert, called the family’s out of pocket costs ‘very high’ and ‘shocking’
Jake said: I can’t imagine going through what we’ve been through with anybody else.’
More than 30 percent of the Army veteran’s $40,000 income does toward Brighton’s health care costs – even with with the help of insurance.
The couple told the news station they fork out up to 15,000 out of pocket each year.
‘We just have struggled and struggled with it. I guess now we’ve gotten to the point where we feel like (divorce) is a real possibility,’ Jake told the station.
Maria said she and her husband promised each other that they would do everything possible to make their daughter’s life the best it can be for ‘however long she is going to be’ with them.
Dr. Thad Miller, a health care policy expert at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, also said he has never heard of a family going to the extent of divorce.
‘For a family like this, they really are in a tough spot,’ Miller said, calling the couple’s out of pocket costs ‘very high’ and ‘shocking’.
He concluded: ‘I think it speaks to our need to really re-think what we do and how – especially for the most vulnerable.