Fitness star Ashy Bines has been slammed online after she appeared to use the do it for Dolly hashtag to respond to comments about her business.
The controversial fitness queen responded to comments on her Facebook Page using #doitfordolly a recently popular hashtag developed to stamp out bullying after teenager Dolly Everett took her life.
Bines, who commented under the name Ashy Evans appeared to use the hashtag twice – on comments about her ‘clean eating treats’.
Her use of the tragic tags was condemned immediately: ‘It’s absolutely disgusting that she is doing this,’ one woman said.
Fitness star Ashy Bines has been slammed online after she appeared to use the do it for Dolly hashtag to respond to comments about her business

The fitness queen used the do it for Dolly hashtag to fight off people commenting on her page

The hashtag was developed after Dolly Everett, pictured, took her own life to escape being bullies and is meant to raise awareness for bullying, youth suicide and anxiety
The treats had previously been discontinued – and both sets of comments were mentioning the fact they were back.
One woman said ‘You know how they were being discontinued’ to which her friend replied ‘oh for god’s sake’.
That’s when Bines replied.
‘Not sure what your comments are implying? If you don’t like them that’s OK no need to comment. #doitfordolly.’
She then used it again when a woman pointed out the product was back and ‘only the branding’ had changed.
‘What’s with the hate girls? Spread the LOVE. #doitfordolly.’

Australians were hugely moved by Dolly and her family’s plight against bullying – but they didn’t appear to appreciate Bines’ use of the hashtag

‘What’s with the hate girls? Spread the LOVE. #doitfordolly’ Bines wrote

‘Wow just when you think she couldn’t get any lower she scrapes the bottom of the barrel,’ one woman said
Australians were hugely moved by Dolly and her family’s plight against bullying – but they didn’t appear to appreciate Bines’ use of the hashtag.
‘Wow just when you think she couldn’t get any lower she scrapes the bottom of the barrel,’ one woman said.

Examples of the hashtags can be seen here on the back of a car parked outside Dolly’s funeral
‘Beyond low. Worst part is she would have no idea what she did wrong and will never apologise for it,’ another said.
‘Wear blue for Dolly was an awesome initiative by Dolly’s loved ones to bring attention to a very important issue and she used it as a way to plug her active wear.’
Ashy Bines has been approached for comment.

‘Wear blue for Dolly was an awesome initiative by Dolly’s loved ones to bring attention to a very important issue and she used it as a way to plug her active wear.’ (Dolly pictured)