The family of an Australian tourist who was seriously injured in a scooter crash were forced to pay $60,000 for his treatment – despite him having travel insurance.
Perth man Emlyn Thomas was riding without a helmet on Christmas Day in Canggu when he became separated from his friends and fell from his bike.
The 24-year-old IT consultant flew back home on Saturday after suffering fractures to his skull and bleeding on the brain.
Mr Thomas took out travel insurance but because he didn’t have a motorcycle licence he was not covered for emergency surgery, leaving his family almost $60,000 out of pocket.
Perth man Emlyn Thomas was riding without a helmet on Christmas Day in Changu when he became separated from his friends and fell from his bike

The 24-year-old IT consultant flew back home on Saturday after suffering fractures to his skull and bleeding on the brain
‘Definitely ensure that if you are riding a scooter in Bali that you have a motorbike licence,’ his sister Reija Jurry told Nine News.
Mr Thomas flew home from Bali to Perth about three weeks after undergoing neurosurgery.
He is continuing his recovery in Perth Royal Hospital’s trauma unit.
‘I feel like I’m going to be myself soon, I’m going to rehab and hopefully in the next couple of months I’ll be the exact same person I used to be,’ he said.

Mr Thomas flew home from Bali to Perth on Saturday about three weeks after undergoing neurosurgery

He is continuing his recovery in Perth Royal Hospital’s trauma unit
Emlyn spoke a few words after being brought out of sedation on Saturday, and seems to be improving after the life-saving surgery, Nine News reported.
‘It’s just nice the surgery went well and he could come out of it OK. It could be better than we expected at first,’ said Emlyn’s best friend, Will Michell.
The operation cost $30,000 which was paid upfront by Emlyn’s employer, and friends have since started a GoFundMe page to cover the costs.

Perth man Emlyn Thomas was riding without a helmet on Christmas Day when he became separated from his friends and fell from his bike (pictured)
Because he was not wearing a helmet, and does not hold an Australian motorbike license, Emlyn’s insurance will not cover him.
The young tourist was found in hospital on Boxing Day, unable to speak, and untreated 12 hours after the crash.
With the loan from Emlyn’s employer, the operation for two skull fractures and brain bleeding could then be carried out.
Ordinarily, someone in this situation would expect their travel insurance to cover the costs of the accident – but this is not the case for the 24-year-old.
Garth Krasinski, a spokesman for Elliot Insurance Brokers, said travellers with an adventurous streak should always be especially careful to read the fine print.
‘If you’re doing anything that’s slightly high risk – whether it be going on a jet ski, riding a scooter, whitewater rafting, bungee jumping, take the time and effort to read the policy,’ he said.

Mr Thomas’ family have advised other people to ensure they have a motorcycle licence before riding a scooter in Bali
While the cost of Emlyn’s care will weigh heavily on the family, his sister Reija Hurry says she is just thankful he is alive.
‘We lost our mum this year, so to lose him would be devastating, so I’m so glad it looks like he’s going to come through,’ she said.
A Go Fund Me page for Mr Thomas has raised $49,905 from 526 donations in less than a month.

Emlyn’s insurance will not cover him, as he does not hold an Australian motorbike license, and he was not wearing a helmet (pictured is the scene of the crash)