Avoid these Common Mistakes When Dealing with CBD Vape E-Liquid

To say that the CBD industry is an emerging market would be inaccurate. The increasing acceptance of cannabidiol among consumers for medical use has contributed to the ever-expanding opportunities for CBD sellers.

According to industry projections, the CBD market, including peripherals and CBD e-liquid, is expected to grow 27.7% through 2026. From $1.04 billion in 2018, the industry will grow up to $16.32 billion in 2026.

As you can see, CBD is a huge market. And some unscrupulous vendors are taking advantage of the fact, trying to sell products that don’t meet the standards the industry is working very hard to implement.

Beware of these common mistakes if it’s your first-time vaping and buying CBD e-liquid.

  1. Settling for cheap products– CBD e-liquid is one of those things where expensive is more or less a reflection of the product’s quality. This is because unfortunately, there’s no shortcut to the process of extracting CBD.

For instance, the extraction kit costs from $80,000 to $200,000, which also includes the expenses in hiring specialists and research and development. And they also have to pay for the third-party laboratory tests to certify their products, which are not cheap either.

  1. Getting too experimental– You might want to hold off on being too experimental. You may think that blending flavors for your vape is a good idea. However, you will end up wasting your money because it won’t taste as good.

Thus, keep away from such experiments. In fact, it’s recommended that you clean the tank after every use, especially if you want to try out other juices.

  1. Not checking if the vape juice comes from a quality source– There have been various cases where first-time users of CBD e liquid end up regretting the experience. Such liquids can be traced back to inferior quality hemp.

What you should know is that hemp is a bio-accumulator, which means it will take in everything in its environment. It includes mold, heavy metals, fungus, among others. So, make sure you buy vape containing CBD from the organically grown hemp plant.

  1. Thinking that all CBD e-liquid products are the same– CBD e-liquid is non-psychoactive, but it also works as a health supplement. If your main goal for vaping is to get high, you might be disappointed with the CBD e-liquid. CBD oil can be extracted from marijuana or hemp. When it’s extracted from marijuana, it will contain some THC levels that can get you high. If it’s extracted from hemp, you won’t have much luck because chances are, the oil will only contain at most 0.3% of THC.
  2. Starting with a stronger product– Even if you’re an experienced marijuana smoker, it’s a mistake, to begin with a potent product. CBD oil doesn’t contain THC, the concentration level is high, and the impurities are typically filtered out. What you have is pure CBD that is quite potent already.

The last thing that first-time users need to do is- educate themselves on the industry, particularly about vaping, CBD oil, and their uses. You also need to know the safe doses and how your body might react if you exceed the safe levels. Knowing what to expect will also make you aware of the outcomes and potential side-effects.