Ever wanted to fall into bed with nothing on your mind and feeling prepared for what tomorrow will bring?
You can. With a few organisational tweaks, it’s easy to get on top of your life – and feel much healthier, better and richer as a result.
Speaking to Daily Mail Australia ahead of the launch of her book, Get Remarkably Organised, award-winning entrepreneur, Lorraine Murphy, revealed how you can get your affairs in order – and change your life.
From trying a ‘one-touch system’ with your inbox to how to stop being ‘reactive’, here FEMAIL shares her top tips.
Speaking to Daily Mail Australia ahead of the launch of her book, Lorraine Murphy (pictured) revealed her simple tips for getting your life organised

Lorraine has a daily system whereby she divides up her to-do list into various tasks – the ‘most important tasks’ (or MIPs) are the ones which need to get sorted that day
When you speak to organised people, normally what they have in common is a filing system or diary.

Lorraine (pictured) said it’s a good idea to sit down every week to plan ahead for the next seven days
‘In my system, I divide up my to-do list into most important tasks, medium tasks and small tasks,’ Lorraine told FEMAIL.
‘I make sure I list the three most important tasks first, and these are the non negotiables – the things I absolutely have to do.’
The Sydney-based entrepreneur added that she makes sure these are the ‘most urgent tasks, or the most boring’:
‘Getting these done sets momentum for the day, even if you don’t get everything else done.’
The next group of tasks is the ‘medium tasks’ – or anything that will take between three and 10 minutes.
Finally, Lorraine will have the ‘small tasks’ – which could be as simple as an email or confirmation. Then, she segments off ‘personal tasks’ – which encompass everything from changing doctor’s appointments to ringing friends.
‘Abiding by this system has been instrumental for me,’ she explained. ‘You know how to weight each thing – and there’s a sense of clarity that comes from that.’
Lorraine said she will also make sure to sit down every Saturday or Sunday night to plan ahead for the next seven days.

The next step in becoming your most organised version of yourself is to switch from reactive to proactive mode – don’t check your phone when you wake up; instead follow your morning routine (stock image)
The next step in becoming your most organised version of yourself is to switch from reactive to proactive mode:
‘A lot of us are spending the majority of our days reacting to others,’ Lorraine said.
‘If you’re the sort of person who wakes up, checks their social media feed and starts responding before you’ve even done anything for yourself, then you need to stop.’
Lorraine recommends firstly adopting a mindset shift, and then starting to implement small habits which will form up to make a different daily routine:
‘Try and establish a morning routine – whatever that looks like for you,’ she said. ‘Remember the key to a good and productive morning comes from getting adequate sleep.
‘Write your to-do list for the next day before you go to bed, get ready for the next day and get closure on the day that’s gone.’
Once you’ve started your morning routine, then ‘layer in’ other good habits – such as morning exercise or mindfulness, or making breakfast at home rather than grabbing it on the way into the office.

Lorraine recommends firstly adopting a mindset shift, and then starting to implement small habits which will form up to make a different daily routine (stock image)

Lorraine Murphy’s book, Get Remarkably Organised, is out now (pictured)
It’s top of the list of desires for many people. But still, many struggle to get on top of their inbox – and stop it from swamping their priorities.
‘I swear by the one-touch system,’ Lorraine explained.
‘In this system, you either read an email, click file and delete, or read it, click forward on or respond to it.
‘The final thing you can do is read it, flag it and assign it to your to-do list if it needs a more detailed response, making it one of your tasks you need to do.’
Lorraine said that not only will this simplify how you deal with emails – but it will also allow you to process them rather than feeling as though you instantly need to respond.
‘You also need to learn to self monitor any negative talk,’ she said.
‘Often it’s when we tell ourselves that we’re disorganised and tired from too many tasks and emails, that we start to feel that way. It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy.’
Lorraine Murphy is the founder and director of The Remarkables Group, which was the first dedicated influencer talent agency in Australia.
She famously secured over AUD $1 million within 12 months, with clients including Woolworths, L’Oreal, Nissan, Schwarzkopf, Origin, Bupa, Qantas, Bonds and Priceline.
Get Remarkably Organised, by Lorraine Murphy, is published by Hachette Australia. For more information, please click here.