Awkward! Fan tells Emma Stone he loved her in Harry Potter on Billy on the Street

If you’re not super tune-in to pop culture, it can be hard to keep all the Emmas straight: There’s La La Land star Emma Stone, Harry Potter’s Emma Watson, and Scream Queens’ Emma Roberts.

But while keeping their names straight might be tough, they do all look quite a bit different — which is why it was such a facepalm moment when someone told Emma Stone he loved her in Harry Potter in a funny new video.

Emma Stone was meeting strangers walking down the sidewalk in Manhattan for an episode of the YouTube series Billy on the Street when the awkward interaction went down, but the 29-year-old actress took it all in stride.


Whoops! Emma Stone appears on the latest episode of Billy Eichner’s comedy show Billy on the Street, in which a man mistakes her for Emma Watson

When Billy asks him what his favorite Emma Stone movie is, he says 'Harry Potter'

Emma responds by looking sad but forgiving

Yikes… When Billy asks him what his favorite Emma Stone movie is, he says ‘Harry Potter,’ prompting this response from Emma

Shame! Billy has no problem making fun of him for confusing the two Emmas

Shame! Billy has no problem making fun of him for confusing the two Emmas

Double dose: Emma Watson (left) and Emma Stone (right) pictured in 2011

Double dose: Emma Watson (left) and Emma Stone (right) pictured in 2011

In his YouTube comedy series Billy on the Street, Billy Eichner accosts people on the streets of New York City, taking them by surprise and asking them questions they scramble to answer in their panic.

Often he’ll bring along a celebrity to add an extra element of surprise, and in the past Jon Hamm, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Will Ferrell, Neil Patrick Harris, and Paul Rudd have all appeared on the show.

For his latest episode, he brought along Emma Stone, who trailed him as he ran up to men and women walking down the sidewalk in midtown Manhattan and blurted out questions.

His top query for people: When did they think Emma Stone would finally join Instagram?

Accosted: In the video, Billy runs up to strangers on the street and asks them questions, shoving a microphone in their faces

Accosted: In the video, Billy runs up to strangers on the street and asks them questions, shoving a microphone in their faces

Social media: He tried to get people to agree with him that Emma needs an Instagram, and demonstrated to this woman what a Boomerang might look like

Social media: He tried to get people to agree with him that Emma needs an Instagram, and demonstrated to this woman what a Boomerang might look like

Catch up! This woman was shocked that Emma is not on Instagram and told her she needs to join

Catch up! This woman was shocked that Emma is not on Instagram and told her she needs to join

Some people smiled and giggled nervously, clearly excised to be in the presence of such a huge star but nonetheless caught off guard by suddenly having a microphone in their faces.

But after he approached one man saying, ‘Sir, it’s Emma Stone, she’s not on Instagram,’ things went to an awkward place really quickly.

‘What’s your favorite Emma Stone movie?’ Billy asked.

‘Um, Harry Potter?’ the man answered, while looking red-haired Emma right in the face from inches away.

‘Oh,’ Emma says, looking down uncomfortably as Billy corrects him.

The man awkwardly apologizes and Emma plays up the discomfort of the moment, looking sad but telling him, ‘That’s OK.’

Next up? Billy also asked people whether they thought Emma should be in horror movies

Next up? Billy also asked people whether they thought Emma should be in horror movies

Scared straight: He then had her demonstrate her best scared face

Scared straight: He then had her demonstrate her best scared face

Long time: He continued to push her into looking scared for 16 seconds

It kept going...

Long time: He continued to push her into looking scared for 16 seconds

Weird: Emma just kept looking scared as Billy told her not to stop

Weird: Emma just kept looking scared as Billy told her not to stop

Too good: One woman thought horror movies sounded like a good idea, while another thought Emma was above that

Emma finally got to stop looking scared

Too good: One woman thought horror movies sounded like a good idea, while another thought Emma was above that

Luckily, there were other people who had more correct answers, saying they loved her in La La Land.

Billy also successfully gets multiple people to shame Emma for her lack of an Instagram account.

He asked a few people, too, whether Emma should try her hand at horror movies next. While one woman said no — explaining that Emma’s intellect and persona made her above that kind of film — another thought it would be a good idea.

Emma even showed off what her ‘scared face’ would look like for an uncomfortably long 16 seconds.