A baby who is allergic to inflatables, apples and even his tears is forced to live as a prisoner in his own home.
Nine-month-old Riley Kinsey, from Kirkby-in-Ashfield, Nottinghamshire, was born with 50 known allergies and can only leave his house once a week over fears he may suffer a life-threatening allergic reaction.
The youngster, who breaks out in a severe red rash if his skin comes into contact with any type of latex, can never play on a bouncy castle or have balloons at his birthday party.
Only able to eat four kinds of food – turkey, carrots, plums and sweet potatoes – Riley reacts to almost every item in his parents’ Kayleigh, 24, and Michael’s house, with even tears making his face swell up to double its size.
Riley’s parents frequently suffer sleepless nights due to their son’s condition causing him to break out in itchy hives all over his body, putting him at risk of infections.
They also worry Riley’s extreme allergies means he will never be able to attend a normal school or even play in the park with his friends.
Speaking of how they cope, Kayleigh said: ‘Do you walk away or get on with it? We choose to get on with it because he’s our son. He’s a very happy child. He smiles every day and just gets on with it.’
Nine-month-old Riley Kinsey breaks out in hives if he is exposed to 50 of his known allergies, which include balloons and apples. Even his own tears cause his face to swell to double in size

To prevent reactions, Riley lives like a prisoner in his own home, only going out once a week

Despite his allergies, Riley’s mother Kayleigh (pictured with his sisters Georgea and Taylor Mae) insists he is a happy child but still worries whether he will live a normal life
‘He’s become a prisoner in his house’
Speaking of Riley’s condition, Kayleigh, a stay-at-home mother-of-three, said: ‘He gets hives across his body and will cry out in pain. It leads to lots of sleepless nights because he wakes himself up scratching in his sleep.
‘There have been times when we’ve found that he’s scratched himself red raw with blood all over him.
‘He’s become a prisoner in his house because the outside world is so risky for him.
‘If he begins to cry his skin gets irritated even further. It can be quite difficult to deal with as you can’t leave him to soothe. You have to go and deal with him straight away.
‘He was quite interested in my daughter’s purple inflatable hammer but then we found out he was allergic to that to as his face swelled up.’

Riley has to be comforted every time he is upset due to his tears irritating his skin

His hives cause Riley to scratch himself ‘red raw’, leaving the youngster covered in blood

His skin also causes Riley to suffer many sleepless nights due to him waking up itching

The hives, which occur all over his face and body, cause Riley to ‘cry out in pain’
Unable to eat or play with his family
Due to Riley’s allergies largely being airborne, his parents have a strict daily cleaning regimen that sees the couple vacuum their home from top to bottom.
The family even avoid eating in certain rooms in the house in case Riley enters them.
Kayleigh said: ‘Riley has his meals on his own and not with his sisters or the rest of the family. We eat in the kitchen but Riley eats in the living room, so the food is kept away from him.’
The youngster is even unable to play with his sisters Georgea, four, and Taylor Mae, two.
‘It’s heartbreaking’
Riley’s parents worry about his future, with Kayleigh saying: ‘We ask ourselves if he’ll able to go to a normal school or even something straightforward like going to a park. It’s heartbreaking. It’s not nice to see him like this.’
Michael, a plasterer, added: ‘It’s very worrying not to know if he’ll be able to lead a life where he can be a normal child.
‘It upsets me that he may not be able to go and kick a ball on a field with his friends. This will impact his whole life but also ours.
‘But at the end of the day he’s my son and I will deal with whatever I have to as I want the very best for him.’

Riley appeared healthy until he developed eczema on his head at six weeks old

Riley’s head started weeping, leading to doctors prescribing a cream that made it worse. Kayleigh claims Riley looked like he had ‘acid tipped over him’
‘All we get is people asking “how do you cope?”
Speaking of how their lives are affected, Kayleigh said: ‘It’s very hard for my husband and I. You can’t live your life, you have to wash your hand so many times and make sure everything is clean.
‘Everyone has done what they can, but we’ve had a couple of family members refuse to hold him.
‘All we get is people asking “how do you cope?”.
Due to their son’s condition, Kayleigh and Michael have been forced to spend £5,000 on re-carpeting their entire home and are facing the prospect of having to add an extension.
Kayleigh said: ‘We’re struggling to find places to put his food in a sterile environment so we need extra space. We have to wash his clothes separately as well as his bowls and spoons.

Riley’s parents worry if he’ll ever be able to play in the park with his friends

He cannot play with his sisters and has to eat his meals in a different room to his family

Family members refuse to hold Riley over fears they may trigger an allergic reaction
First reacted to baby porridge
In the first few weeks of Riley’s life, he seemed like a healthy baby, until, at six weeks old, he developed eczema on his head.
Kayleigh said: ‘The back of his head started weeping so naturally we took him to the doctor who gave him some cream to try.
‘It was like he’d tipped acid over him, it had absolutely no impact at all and made it worse.
‘The first allergy reaction was in February. He had some baby porridge. Straight away his face started swelling and he was really unsettled and started crying.
‘It’s just escalated from there. It’s so distressing.’