A man has died after a wave caused the boat he was in to capsize at Barwon Heads, about 20km south-east of Geelong.
Emergency services were called to the river mouth at about 6.50am (AEDT) on Saturday and learned two men had been in the boat before it was struck by the wave.
A member of the public on a jet ski rescued a 61-year-old man from Moriac. He was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.
The other man, still to be identified, was trapped underneath the boat.
Life Saving Victoria members rescued the man but he was declared deceased at the scene.
Police will prepare a report for the coroner.
A member of the public on a jet ski rescued a 61-year-old man from Moriac from the boat and he was taken to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries. The other man was trapped underneath the boat and died at the scene
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