This is the moment two bears have the laziest fight ever in the snow over who gets to own a tree.
The animals, who seem to be cuddling more than fighting, paw at each other half-halfheartedly, with their energy falling more and more throughout the video filmed in Otisville, New York, USA.
They are fighting over a tree but just can’t seem to find the will to make it a real scrap.
At the start of the clip, the bears can be seen rolling around and snapping at each other as they tussle.
Though not very aggressive it looks as if the fight is about to intensify but they slump to the floor, energy sapped.
They seem to be leaning and resting on each other as they try and find the willpower to rise and continue the battle.
The two bears in Otisville, New York, USA have the laziest fight ever as they paw at each other half-heartedly while tussling over a tree
After a few seconds they come across the tree that will be the centre point of their tussle.
The bear on the right clutches the tree trunk and the two of them start to claw at each other.
However, in a hilarious turn, they both look up at the branch, look at each other and then stop fighting.
The peace doesn’t last as the bear on the left decides to resume claiming the tree.

They seem very reluctant to actually fight and keep stopping to catch their breath and lean against the tree trunk
A few seconds later, the bear on the right decides that he wants to have the tree for himself after all and clambers to his feet to challenge his companion.
After a few moments of lazily pawing at the tree trunk, the bear on the right attacks the other one and looks as if he is about to win.
But his laziness comes back in full force and the blows are weak and he ends up resting his head on the other bear.
Later, they briefly tussle for a final time and, somehow, the bear on the left wins and his opponent runs away.
Very slowly.

After a very long and agnosing battle, the bear on the left wins and send his opponent running to another tree – although he doesn’t appear to do much