It won’t ever be easy, but in your place I think I might cling to that hope. But if you can’t, then in your position you might consider moving back to be near your own loving family right away, and start again
Dear Bel
After 25 years of marriage (and two daughters, aged 24 and 22) I thought I was bi-sexual, then later realised I was gay and met someone on a bisexual support forum. She and I both separated from our husbands and had the most incredible, long-distance relationship.
I came out to my daughters, parents, family and friends. They were mostly all very supportive. My husband was also understanding — for which I’m eternally grateful.
Two years ago, I left my marital home and my girlfriend and I saw each other weekly in my rented flat. Last New Year, we spent five days together — sharing so much love I knew we had to close the geographical gap between us.
So I managed to get a full-time position in her town and moved to a rented place there last March. We both knew it wasn’t right for us to live together, as she has two teenage children at home.
Now I’m at the lowest point. Her son, 13, struggled with me ‘landing’ in his life and his parents separating. Her ex has not made life easy and it has affected her children.
She felt more and more anxious, torn between them and me. Her daughter, 17, was jealous of me, joined our rows and was happy to see our relationship deteriorate.
In the autumn, my girlfriend and I booked a precious holiday, but she cancelled two weeks before. Leaving her kids was too stressful and her daughter couldn’t face being with her dad for a week. I was devastated.
In the end, she came for a few days, during which we decided to end the relationship. It was too difficult for her to manage.
Since then we’ve met up a few times. The love we share is such a pull, but I’m still living in an empty flat and often feel more alone than when we were living apart long-distance. I’m so sad. Her kids are pleased and her family also think she should move on.
But two days ago she asked to come and see me. We spent a secret night, free of them all and their judgments.
The love we share is incredible — but life isn’t about just us, is it? Her family needs her . . . so just how do we move forward? Is there any hope? We both feel stuck. The pain of being apart is almost unbearable, yet the stress of trying to be together is enormous.
At New Year I travelled home. My family knew little of these struggles, as I don’t want them worrying. I’m not ready to return with no job and no relationship — and they understand. I’m lucky. But I look back to this time last year with a sadness I can’t ease and don’t know what to do in future.
The end of any love affair is acutely painful, this one is a tad more complex, perhaps.
I say that because if we remove the fact that you’ve been in a same-sex relationship, then the problems with your girlfriend’s teenage children are not very different than any experienced when a marriage ends because of an affair.
Had she left her husband for another man, he would have been furious (perhaps even more so) and the teenagers would have set their faces against the unwelcome intruder. In that sense, their behaviour is normal. I find it hard to apportion any blame to a 17 and 13-year-old who have just seen their home life break up.
It’s admirable that you can write: ‘But life isn’t just about us, is it?’ I had to cut your long letter down by more than two thirds, yet that simple statement remains a pure distillation of the truth.
You and she were brave to try to give everything up for the sake of the love your discovered, but you have found that nothing in this life can be that easy — not when there are other beloved people involved. I suspect your own daughters found it difficult when you came out, yet they are older, with their own lives — and clearly a have greater, more generous understanding of sexuality than many people. You’ve been lucky with your own family and friends.
Yet I feel so sorry for your girlfriend, caught as she is between two different sorts of love. She will not be the first individual to discover that the thrill of sexual passion and shared intimacy fades in comparison with the searingly painful demands of family.
And she will not be the last woman or man who weighs up the opposing loves and chooses the role of a parent over the intoxication of being a lover.
Relatively speaking, your relationship isn’t that old. You have been living in the same town for only ten months.
It could well be that if you remain strong, work hard, make your flat pleasant and show patience, in time your girlfriend will conclude that she can make this work after all — especially as her children become older.
It won’t ever be easy, but in your place I think I might cling to that hope. But if you can’t, then in your position you might consider moving back to be near your own loving family right away, and start again.
I wish my frail, selfish dad was dead
Dear Bel,
My mother died in 2006 and since then I’ve been heavily involved helping my disabled father.
My sister lives many miles away, but has him stay for a month in the summer. He never wants to go, but she knows I need a holiday.
He lives 30 miles away and insists he can’t get out unless I take him. His mobility allowance enables him to take taxis to the doctors etc, but he won’t use it.
I’ve been taking him out three times a week and doing all his shopping and cleaning because he refuses a cleaner or carer, even though he has money to pay.
Now my husband’s cancer has returned he’ll need daily treatment at the regional cancer centre at the other side of our county. This will take us four hours out of every weekday for eight to ten weeks.
I’ve told my father I’ll visit on Saturday or Sunday, order his shopping online and he must take a taxi to the doctors. I’ve arranged his hospital appointment using their transport. Every evening he phones up feeling sorry for himself. We also have my husband’s mother in a care home nearby and visit three times a week.
Both my father and mother-in-law are 85 and think the world revolves around them. Now I need to concentrate on my husband without being made to feel guilty.
I know our time together is going to be shorter than either of us imagined.
It’s terrible I know, but if the care home rings or my father fails to call, I hope they’ve died. I have no children, so will have to look after myself in old age. Neither of them had to take care of parents. How do I make them see that I have a right to a life and my husband’s health comes first?
Your painfully honest letter is a reminder that responsibilities within a family are often tough and that elderly people can be selfish. It’s a difficult truth which needs to be acknowledged.
My own parents (in their 90s now) are quite the opposite — yet all of us must realise that when most people reach old age their horizons shrink, they suffer from myriad ailments, like to talk about themselves and want attention. We shall be the same.
The very sense of time slipping by that you are feeling right now because of your husband’s cancer afflicts the old, too. They know they may not have long and so sometimes those pleas for sympathy are another way of hiding sadness and fear.
After your mother’s death, your father became used to having you at his beck and call, ignoring the fact that a 60-mile round trip is onerous. Unfortunately, you both settled into a habit back then, which you have grown to resent.
It sounds as though he takes you for granted — and there’s no reason whatsoever why he should refuse to employ a cleaner.
Now that your husband’s cancer has returned there’s no doubt where your priorities should lie. You have done the right thing in making all those arrangements — so I’m afraid you will just have to make yourself immune to that note of self-pity on the phone.
Is there anybody local you could contact about a midweek visit for him? A neighbour? A cleaner is a must and I would see if you can’t pay him or her a tad over the going rate for the sake of doing some errands, too.
You have no choice but to be strong, for your husband’s sake. In your uncut letter, you say you had full-time care of your mother-in-law until last year, until you could no longer cope. It’s likely she resents being in a care home, but what are you supposed to do? You have too much on your plate and must be sick with anxiety over your husband. In your 60s now, you will become worn out unless you make changes to give yourself less stress.
There will be those who are shocked at your admission that sometimes you wish these demanding old people dead. But I am glad you have been brave and honest enough to say the unsayable (because many people have similar thoughts sometimes) and understand that these words are prompted by stress and terror over your husband’s illness.
Talk to him about how often you both visit his mother, and be ready to spell out to her the stages of his illness. I wish you both strength and the best of luck for the coming months.
And finally: It’s good to create a bit of ‘me time’
You might remember my column about the class I attended to create a brand new Christmas tree fairy.
The important point was about creativity and it was picked up by reader Wendy T. After telling me she feels inspired to make a new fairy this year, she goes on to offer an idea I’m glad to pass on.
Wendy’s daughter Lisa found that she was stressed and busy and that her life revolved around her two young boys, her husband and home tasks.
‘She wanted to create an outlet for herself, and other mums in her situation, to have some “me” time in a friendly, creative environment in which, at the end of a two-hour session, they could take home something that they had made.’
So Lisa acted. Now her first Mummies’ Club has about 14 mums attending a local cafe every other Tuesday evening. Wendy writes: ‘Some are more able than others but no matter — they chat and laugh and at the end of the evening, they’ve all produced something wonderful and original.
‘Last time, they made a felted swan for their trees. I go along to distribute tea and homemade cake, as that’s all part of the nurturing process. It’s such a wonderful thing to witness.’
Both Wendy and daughter Lisa believe that being creative is vital for mental health. This informal club gets people together and the women teach each other to make things while having fun, too.
Lisa also uses social media to talk about projects and inspire people with her blogs and videos. So this is a message to women and men of all ages — why not try to get a few friends together to share an activity? For example, look at
You could boil old woollies, then gather chums to cut them up and create blankets — just as women made patchwork quilts in the U.S. Older people could pass on skills to the young. Making things — and mending, too — is the way ahead.