Best Ways To Cure A Yeast Infection

There is nothing worse than vaginal discomfort of any kind. One minute there is a slight itch, and the next minute, there is redness, swelling, burning, white cottage cheese-like discharge, and all-around discomfort in the HooHa! Yes, the signs and symptoms of a yeast infection. UGH!!!!

A yeast infection, or vaginal candidiasis, is a type of vaginal fungal infection common in women. About 75 percent, that’s 3 in 4 women, experience this infection at least once in their lives (especially in pregnancy when the hormones are running rampant). It’s also possible for men to get a genital yeast infection. Although many types of fungus can cause a vaginal yeast infection, the most common causative agent is called Candida albicans.

The fungus, Candida albicans, naturally lives in the vagina, but the body’s immune system usually suppresses its growth. When this fungus overgrows in the vaginal area, it can cause a rash, inflammation, irritation, itching, and an odorless discharge.

There are many types of yeast infection treatment a gynecologist might recommend. But there are also some ways to treat at home (especially if you catch it early and are sure that is what it is (and not some other vaginal infection like bacterial vaginosis).

Here are some of the best  ways to cure a yeast infection treatment:

Prescription/Over-The-Counter Medication

Yeast infection treatment usually depends on the type of infection – uncomplicated or complicated.

  • Uncomplicated Yeast Infection

This is best treated by oral treatment or natural vaginal therapy. Over-the-counter (OTC) medication such as clotrimazole (Gyne-Lotrimin), miconazole (Monistat 3), butoconazole (Gynazole-1), and terconazole (Terazol 3) will cure this type of yeast infection. Also, a single dose of the oral antifungal fluconazole (Diflucan) works.

  • Complicated Yeast infection

The treatment of complicated yeast infection often includes the use of long-course multi-dose oral formulations or vaginal therapy. A doctor may recommend long-course vaginal treatment, including treatment with a vaginal cream, tablet, ointment, or suppository for up to 14 days.

Boric Acid Suppositories

If you are looking for long-term relief, boric acid suppositories should be in your medicine cabinet for yeast infection treatment. Boric acid helps balance vaginal acidity (yes, your vagina is acidic) and relieves the itching and burning that is commonly associated with yeast infections. It basically stabilizes the vagina and promotes healthy acid levels.

Boric acid suppositories are not oral and are made to be inserted directly in the vagina. This is why the relief is immediate as well. Be sure to discuss other medications you are taking or vaginal therapies (like estrogen suppositories) before using boric acid suppositories to ensure you will not have any medication reactions.

Just Say NO to Sugar

Sugar is a huge no-no if you have a yeast infection. Why? Sugar is yeast’s worst enemy since it needs sugar to grow. So, if you have a yeast infection and eat and drink sugary foods, just know that your vagina will absorb parts of this sugar just like the rest of your organs.


Probiotics are great for yeast infection treatment. The vagina is all about balance, and part of that balance is your pH levels. Since your body naturally has good bacteria to help fight off infections, when your pH is compromised, and bacteria overgrow and change things (and not in a good way). Eating foods rich in probiotics will help keep your healthy bacteria tames. Some of these foods are:

  • yogurts
  • Kombucha
  • Kefir
  • dark chocolate
  • pickles

When it comes to curing vaginal yeast infections, the first thing to consider is prevention. And when that is not working in your favor, there are several popular home remedies for yeast infection treatment. These alternatives may consist of essential oil of oregano, garlic, tea tree oil, coconut oil, or vaginal steaming. However, these home remedies should be used with caution and care. While many home remedies may bring relief within a few days, some may take up to a week.