Biden takes 3-point lead against Trump in new Election 2020 poll of registered voters

Biden takes three point lead against Trump in new Election 2020 poll of registered voters which also shows president’s job approval rating is now at its lowest point in two years   

  • Joe Biden now leads Trump 45% to 42% among registered voters
  • The two men were previously tied at 43% of the vote in the May poll 
  • Trump’s job disapproval rating had risen to 51% among Americans, with just 38% approving in June
  • In May, 44% of Americans approved and disapproved of his job handling

As Joe Biden wins the Democratic presidential nomination, a new poll shows that he’s also retaken the lead over President Trump with registered US voters. 

Biden now leads Trump 45 per cent to 42 per cent in Election 2020 polling, pulling ahead after being tied at 43 per cent in May, according to the newly released June IBD/TIPP Poll.

The June poll revealed that Trump lost the one-point edge he had with independent voters and is now five points behind Biden. 

As Joe Biden (left) clinches the Democratic presidential nomination, a new poll shows Biden has a three-point lead over President Trump (right) among registered voters for Election 2020

The president now has 34 per cent of the independent vote, compared to the former vice president who has 39 per cent of their vote, Investor’s Business Daily reported.  

The latest poll also showed that Biden was also able to pick up a greater percentage of the vote from self-described investors. 

Of that group, 46 per cent say that they would vote for Biden, versus 44 per cent that would vote for Trump. 

In May, 48 per cent of that same group had said they would vote for Trump versus Biden’s 43 per cent.

Overall, the June poll appears to indicate that the slim lead that Trump had with both adults and registered voters during the height of the coronavirus crisis has withered away. 

In addition to the election percentages, the June IBD/TIPP Poll showed that Trump’s job approval has reached its lowest point in the last two years, as those polled disapproved of how he handled the coronavirus pandemic. 

The poll shows that in June, Trump had a net 13 per cent disapproval rating among adults.  

Biden (pictured June 1) now leads Trump 45 per cent to 42 per cent in Election 2020 polling, pulling ahead after being tied at 43 per cent in May

Biden (pictured June 1) now leads Trump 45 per cent to 42 per cent in Election 2020 polling, pulling ahead after being tied at 43 per cent in May

The poll also found Trump's (on June 5) job approval rating fell to its lowest point in two years and that 46 per cent of Americans polled disapproved of his coronavirus pandemic handling

The poll also found Trump’s (on June 5) job approval rating fell to its lowest point in two years and that 46 per cent of Americans polled disapproved of his coronavirus pandemic handling 

His job approval rate was 38 per cent, while his disapproval rating was 51 per cent. This, compared to Trump’s May approval rating of 44 per cent and matching disapproval rating, which was also at 44 per cent.  

Among registered voters, Trump’s net disapproval rating was 10 per cent in June. 

Of that group, 52 per cent disapproved of his job performance, while 42 per cent approved. 

He had previously, in May, had a net 2 per cent approval rating. At that time, 48 per cent approved of his job performance, while 46 per cent disproved of it.   

Now that regions across the US are emerging out of lockdown orders and business is slowly beginning to ramp up again, the way people rated Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic has also shifted. 

In May, 41 per cent of Americans approved Trump’s virus handling versus 39 per cent that disapproved of it. 

But, in June, the numbers nearly flip-flopped – with 46 per cent of American disapproving and only 38 per cent approving.  

The one area that Trump did maintain positive approval ratings was in his handling of the economy. 

In June, 46 per cent of those polled approved, while 37 per cent disapproved. 

Still, compared to his May economy numbers, this represents a 4 per cent drop in approvals and a 9 per cent increase in disapproval of his economic leadership. 

The June IBD/TIPP Poll was tabulated via an online survey of 1,233 adults, conducted between May 31 and June 3. 

The presidential election voting results were determined by 964 registered voters who were part of the overall adults surveyed.