A accused bikie has lashed out at police as he was being arrested at Sydney Airport.
The 34-year-old was one of two brothers arrested as part of a police crackdown on organised crime in Sydney
Police also seized $2.75 million in cash and drugs including 1.15kg of cocaine, 1.1kg of ice, and 26 litres of GBL – also known as ‘coma in a bottle – five sub-machine guns, two semi-automatic pistols, two revolvers, ammunition and a silencer.
The illegal goods were found in a storage unit in Sydney’s Waterloo.
The men will face court on Friday following an investigation by Strike Force Raptor and the Drug and Firearms Squad.
A handcuffed alleged bikie (pictured) was caught trying to escape police during a dramatic arrest at Sydney airport on Thursday
In dramatic scenes, the accused man was seen trying to break free from officers and lash out at a camera filming him shortly after his arrest at Sydney Airport after arriving on a flight from New Zealand.
He was charged with three counts of supplying prohibited drugs, possess ammunition, deal in proceeds of crime, resist arrest, participate in a criminal group, and aggravated firearms offences.
Police then stopped a car in Sydney’s Alexandria on Thursday afternoon and arrested the man’s 32-year-old brother.

The 34-year-old was one of two bikie brothers arrested following a massive seizure of $2.75 million in cash, 13 firearms and illicit drugs in Sydney. A suitcase containing the cash is pictured.

Police found guns (like those pictured) including five sub-machine guns, two semi-automatic pistols, two revolvers,ammunition and a silencer

The men will face court on Friday following an investigation by Strike Force Raptor and the Drug and Firearms Squad. One man arrested (pictured) was wearing a hi-vis vest

Tactical Operations Unit police then stopped a car at O’Riordan St Alexandria at 3.45pm Thursday and arrested a 32-year-old man.
He was charged with three counts of supply prohibited drug, deal in proceeds of crime, participate in a criminal group, and aggravated firearms offences.
Two other men were arrested during the car stop but released pending further inquiries.
Police also executed a search warrant at a home unit at Homebush, where they seized items relevant to the investigation.

Two other men were arrested during the car stop but released pending further inquiries

Police also executed a search warrant at a home unit at Homebush, where they seized items relevant to the investigation

Detectives are pictured leading a man in handcuffs through the airport after he arrived from New Zealand on Thursday

The man then resists the officer (pictured) and lashes out as he tried to escape at the airport

Police then were seen subduing the man before he was taken to the police station