A teacher who ran a banned ‘squalid’ school which had no running water and leaflets titled ‘Islam and terrorism?’ has been banned from the classroom.
Naveed Hussain, 39, was the owner of the Bordesley Independent School in Birmingham before it was closed down by Ofsted inspectors in 2015.
A professional conduct panel heard that on one inspection visit, leaflets were found titled ‘Islam and terrorism?’
Inspectors found that the literature had been written an author who ‘had been found to have been denied access to the UK due to his extremist views’.
Naveed Hussain ran the Bordesley Independent School in Birmingham (pictured)
Meanwhile, boys and girls were segregated and being taught on dirty mattresses as well having no access to running water in the toilets.
The unregistered school was reported five times due to serious concerns for the welfare of the children being educated.
Inspections also found that the curriculum provided to pupils was too narrow, and that the RE syllabus only dealt with Islam ‘to the exclusion of any other religions’, the panel’s report said.
It also noted that an inspection in November 2015 found that the school premises were inadequate, and that there was no running water in the toilet area.
Following the closure of the site, Mr Hussain was accused of unacceptable professional conduct by the National College for Teaching and Leadership.
Yesterday, it emerged he was found guilty of the charge and was banned from the teaching profession following a disciplinary hearing in December 19 last year.
The report said: ‘Rooms were unkempt and/or unhygienic and/or cold and/or inadequate for the delivery of the curriculum suitable for the age of the young people attending the school (11-16 years).’
The panel heard that Mr Hussain had qualified as a teacher in 2006 and set up the business that ran Bordesley Independent School around September 2014.
There was evidence that he was the sole director of the company running the school from October 8 2014 to September 28 2015, and from October 20 2015 to February 2 2016.
The panel concluded that Mr Hussain’s conduct ‘fell significantly short of the standards expected of the profession’.
It said: ‘Whilst the panel accepted that for a time towards the beginning of the relevant period, there could possibly have been some ambiguity in Mr Hussain’s mind as to whether he was running a school, by the time of the second Ofsted visit on 16 October 2014, the panel was satisfied that the true position was quite clear to Mr Hussain in respect of the school operating as a school.
‘By this point, Mr Hussain would have had a much fuller and clearer understanding of what the requirements were but nevertheless maintained his course of conduct without any discernible regard to the findings from Ofsted.’

The school (pictured) was eventually closed down by Ofsted inspectors in November 2015
The report also said: ‘Whilst the conduct found against Mr Hussain took place not when he was teaching but instead running a school, he was also a teacher of some experience and the panel considered that a strong public interest consideration in declaring proper standards of conduct in the profession was also present.
‘The conduct found against Mr Hussain was outside that which could reasonably be tolerated.’
The panel said it was ‘impressed’ by the number of colleague references provided by Mr Hussain.
It added: ‘The panel also noted that the issues that arose did so, not because of Mr Hussain’s actions as a teacher in the classroom, but in trying to be a businessman and losing perspective that his primary concern should have been to the pupils.
‘In evidence, Mr Hussain did show some remorse and insight into his failings as well as appreciating that some of the concerns raised by Ofsted were not dealt with appropriately and that he would act differently in the future.
‘Nevertheless, whilst no issues were put forward regarding Mr Hussain’s teaching abilities, he has been found to run a school at which obvious safeguarding concerns were present and he failed to rectify matters in a sufficient and timely manner.’
Mr Hussain can apply for the ban to be lifted in two years’ time.