It appears that smart work shoes aren’t the best footwear to use when walking on black ice.
This footage shows the moment Tim Besecker was heading to his car outside his home in Loudoun County, Virginia – presumably to go to work – before losing his balance, skidding down his driveway and taking a nasty tumble.
He can be seen desperately trying to regain his balance while trying to hold onto his bag and jacket as he slips on the treacherous black ice outside his home.
The video almost resembles a Dancing on Ice performance as Mr Besecker slides, spins and rolls on the black ice.
As he skids down his driveway, clearly aware of the pain ahead of him, he can be seen using his arms to try and steady himself.
Unfortunately, he can’t stop his momentum and he tumbles literally head over heels.
This is moments before Tim Besecker, dressed in smart work wear, skids, slips and tumbles on the black ice on his driveway outside his home in Loudoun County, Virginia
At the start of the footage, Mr Besecker seems completely oblivious as he steps outside, his eyes on the floor and his mind seemingly elsewhere.
He slips within seconds and almost falls to the ground but manages to steady himself by dropping to a crouch.
This proves to be a mixed blessing as, rather than saving him, it causes him to slip further towards the road.

As Mr Besecker loses his balance and skids on the black ice, you can see him trying to hold onto his jacket and bag
Mr Beseckeer, dressed in a shirt and tie with smart trousers, clearly panics as he slides further and faster before ending up on the grassy lawn at the bottom his driveway.
Fortunately, his fall does not take him into the road and he manages to scramble to his feet, seemingly none the worse for wear.
It is unclear when the clip was taken although the footage was shared on January 10.

He ends up tumbling head over heels onto a grassy lawn – thankfully he manages to avoid falling into the road