You can expect a comfy and clear vision with your new contacts. Sometimes, you may experience blurry vision even with your new contact lenses. It can increase your stress and frustration. In this situation, you are unable to complete everyday tasks. If you are experiencing this problem, take your refractive surgeon’s expert opinion. Here are some common causes of blurry contacts. These may be helpful for you.
Deposits on Your Lens
The buildup of protein and debris on the surface of lenses can affect your vision. These elements are common culprits for cloudy and blurry vision with lenses. To check this issue, you have to remove contacts from your eyes and compare them with your glasses. If your vision is clearer than contacts, your lenses can be dirty.
To naturally clean the contacts, you can blink your eyelids. Moreover, lubricate the surface of contacts before wearing them. A careful cleaning routine to contacts may help you to remove contact lenses. Protein deposits and buildup are common on your lenses. Even after regular cleaning, you have to replace your lenses after a specific period.
Dryness: Eyes or Contact Lenses
Dryness can be a reason for the blurriness in your eyes. It is easy to judge if the dryness if the main culprit. Blink your eyes and notice if your vision is a bit clear. Sometimes, rewetting drops help you to treat blurred vision.
If your eyes are not producing sufficient tears, you may suffer from this disease. Over-the-counter medications may help you to treat your eyes. Consult your doctor because he can recommend you better lenses, specially designed for dry eyes.
New Prescription
Your eyes need some adjustments with a new prescription. In numerous cases, moving your head, blinking and squinting may improve your situation. A new prescription can increase your eye strain. In a few weeks, your eyes must be adjusted to a prescription. If you are still facing a problem, consult your doctor.
Astigmatism is another reason for a blurry vision from all distances. It is caused because of the irregular shape of the cornea. Sometimes, fitting of contact lenses may make things complicated. The wrong position of your contact lens can make your vision blur.
Blinking may help you to fit your contact lens again into place. Use eye drops to adjust your vision or meet your ophthalmologist or optometrist about lenses.
Wrong Fit
If your contact lenses are not fitting in your eyes because of manufacturing reasons, you have to try a different brand. Make sure to buy the best fitting for your eyes. Remember, wrong fitting can increase the strain of your eyes and make your vision blurry because of under-correction.
Wearing for a Longer Day
During a day, contact lenses may collect proteins and dirt from eyes. If you are uncomfortable with lenses, take them immediately out and use a cleaning solution. Leave them in this solution for numerous hours or overnight. It will remove detritus from your lenses. In the morning, you can wear them again.