BoredPanda shares photos that capture the best in people

The modern world can be a difficult place and sometimes finding the good in people can seem almost impossible.

However, a new photo gallery compiled by BoredPanda is sure to restore your faith in humanity.

People from across the globe have shared the most wholesome photos they have come across that are guaranteed to warm the heart of even the greatest cynic. 

The images capture a touching array of selfless acts including a busker who is giving all of his profits to the homeless and a man who collected litter while waiting for a bus.

Other photos demonstrate acts of true love such as a widower who carries his wife’s portrait to the place that they met every morning.

For those in need of a morale boost, this gallery is sure to raise a smile. 

Seven years after his wife died this 72-year-old widower continues to take her portrait to the pier where they met every morning 

After a woman was hospitalised with Hypoglycemia, the paramedics remained behind to cook her children dinner and even washed up after 

After a woman was hospitalised with Hypoglycemia, the paramedics remained behind to cook her children dinner and even washed up after 

An Egyptian football fan in a wheelchair was given the best view possible when he was lifted by Mexican fans so he could see the game 

An Egyptian football fan in a wheelchair was given the best view possible when he was lifted by Mexican fans so he could see the game 

This selfless busker is donating any money he makes during performances to homeless people

This selfless busker is donating any money he makes during performances to homeless people

After this man's dog Rio, 14, went blind he began patting his leg while walking so she knew where to walk, and his wife got him the perfect t-shirt 

After this man’s dog Rio, 14, went blind he began patting his leg while walking so she knew where to walk, and his wife got him the perfect t-shirt 

This touching sign thanked locals who had managed to help a homeless man into his first job

This touching sign thanked locals who had managed to help a homeless man into his first job

Rice farmer Mae Bua Chaicheun saw her crops destroyed by 130 million liters of water pumped from the thai cave in the rescue mission of 12 boys. Her response: "Children are more important than rice. We can regrow rice but we can’t regrow the children"

Rice farmer Mae Bua Chaicheun saw her crops destroyed by 130 million liters of water pumped from the thai cave in the rescue mission of 12 boys. Her response: ‘Children are more important than rice. We can regrow rice but we can’t regrow the children’

After working 15 hours a day as an Uber driver this father decided to fulfill his dream of starting a restaurant and his daughter captured the moment he received his culinary degree 

After working 15 hours a day as an Uber driver this father decided to fulfill his dream of starting a restaurant and his daughter captured the moment he received his culinary degree 

A fisherman could be seen helping an injured pelican to fish in this touching image 

A fisherman could be seen helping an injured pelican to fish in this touching image 

When his dog became sick this man sold his beloved truck in order to pay for her surgery 

When his dog became sick this man sold his beloved truck in order to pay for her surgery 

While waiting for his bus this man passed the time by collecting all of the rubbish in the surrounding area 

While waiting for his bus this man passed the time by collecting all of the rubbish in the surrounding area 

A subway passenger captured the moment that a selfless man (centre) risked his life to save a blind man who had fallen onto the tracks and injured himself 

A subway passenger captured the moment that a selfless man (centre) risked his life to save a blind man who had fallen onto the tracks and injured himself 

On the first day that women could legally drive in Saudi Arabia, police officers handed out roses to female motorists 

On the first day that women could legally drive in Saudi Arabia, police officers handed out roses to female motorists 

A dedicated mother gave up her spot on her dog bed in order for her puppy to take a nap 

A dedicated mother gave up her spot on her dog bed in order for her puppy to take a nap 

This touching image proves that dreams really can come true as a woman fulfilled her childhood ambition of becoming a fire fighter 

This touching image proves that dreams really can come true as a woman fulfilled her childhood ambition of becoming a fire fighter 

After his mother lost his battle to cancer this student was rallied with support by his fellow classmate as this touching image shows 

After his mother lost his battle to cancer this student was rallied with support by his fellow classmate as this touching image shows 

Locals discovered that a fallen tree contained a woodpecker's nest and worked tirelessly to cut it out and attach it to another so the family could survive  

Locals discovered that a fallen tree contained a woodpecker’s nest and worked tirelessly to cut it out and attach it to another so the family could survive  

After an outburst this woman's neighbour, who suffers from Bipolar, found the sweetest way to apologise 

After an outburst this woman’s neighbour, who suffers from Bipolar, found the sweetest way to apologise 

A former addict shared this 'peaceful' scene of his new family life, 421 days clean 

A former addict shared this ‘peaceful’ scene of his new family life, 421 days clean 

This woman shared an adorable moment between an elderly couple in a restaurant 

This woman shared an adorable moment between an elderly couple in a restaurant 

A man was touched to discover that his father is still wearing the keyring he gave to him as a little boy 22 years later

A man was touched to discover that his father is still wearing the keyring he gave to him as a little boy 22 years later

A man was overwhelmed when he discovered  the mini bench press his granddad welded for him 20 years ago so he could workout with my dad while cleaning out the garage 

A man was overwhelmed when he discovered  the mini bench press his granddad welded for him 20 years ago so he could workout with my dad while cleaning out the garage