Boy defends dad after robbers hold him at knife point in Brazil

  • ‘Brave’ young boy steps in to defend his father after criminals hold him hostage 
  •  One robber was holding gun to father’s head when boy kicked and punched him
  •  Incident happened at Brazilian market as robbers emptied the till

A brave six-year-old boy tried to fight off armed robbers who held his father hostage during a raid at a Brazilian market.

The youngster reacted instinctively when he saw one of the men with his father in a headlock and a gun to his neck and started kicking and punching the criminal.

CCTV shows the terrifying scene unfold in the store in Paranavai, southern Brazil as three thieves run in brandishing guns and threatening customers.

The thieves grab dad Francisco, wearing a turquoise t-shirt and jeans, who had been standing at the cash point and hold him in a headlock.

We then see the youngster run up to the criminals and lash out at the one who is holding his father while another thief empties out the till after threatening the store owner.

The six-year-old can be seen in the CCTV footage punching and kicking the man who is holding his father at gun point after they empty the tills in his store in Brazilian market

Terrified dad Francisco Carlos Alves Silva tried to move his son back from the armed muggers to keep them from hurting him before handing over his wallet.

A second man in a black hoodie top can be seen pointing his gun at the young boy as father Francisco  tries to keep his son out of harm’s way.

The criminals, who were wearing hoodies, fled without anyone being injured. 

 Francisco told local media: ‘His reaction was to try to defend me. All I was thinking about was to make sure that nothing happened to him.

‘At home, when we were all a bit calmer, I spoke to him and thanked him and said I was proud of him and he had been very brave. 

The boy runs up to the robbers and tries to attack them. The boy's terrified father tries to calm the criminals down for the sake of his boy

The boy runs up to the robbers and tries to attack them. The boy’s terrified father tries to calm the criminals down for the sake of his boy

‘But I also told him to do anything like that again and that it was very dangerous.’ 

The armed raid on the store was reportedly the third this year.

Police have yet to make any arrests.

