- Four-year-old boy was mauled by a dog on a popular beach in the Whitsundays
- Dingo jumped at his face and mauled his until his mother fought it off
- Toddler needed 50 stitches to his face and chin to treat numerous injuries
- She was in a stable condition at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital in Brisbane
A four-year-old boy was horrifically savaged by a dog that jumped at his face as she played on the beach with his mother.
The little boy was rushed from Conway Beach in the Whitsundays to Proserpine Hospital about 5.50pm on Sunday.
Witness Sandra-Lee Kelly said the boy needed 50 stitches to large slices, gashes and puncture marks on his face and under his chin.
A four-year-old boy was horrifically savaged by a dog that jumped at her face as he played on a beach in the Whitsundays until his mother fought it off
His injuries were so severe that she was taken to to Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital in Brisbane for treatment, where she is now in a stable condition.
Ms Kelly said the toddler mother had to fight off the aggressive red dog that could be a dingo, a wild or feral dog, or one that escaped its owners.
‘The dog pounced and mauled his face and his mother kicked at the dog and it was very fortunate the dog ran away,’ she said.
The local council was trying to determine what type of dog it was and whether it was wild, a common pest in the area, or a domesticated one.