British man, 20, is pickpocketed by girls who stole £400 as they ‘touched him up’ on first day of lads’ holiday to Benidorm
- Alex Ayland went with friends to Benidorm for first holiday without his parents
- 20-year-old was on his first night away when he was pickpocketed of £400
- Mother Mand revealed his plight online, saying he was in tears after the theft
- She said women pretended to ‘touch him up’ before taking cash from his pockets
A British tourist was pickpocketed of £400 in cash during the first night of his first holiday without his parents in Benidorm.
Alex Ayland, 20, from Gloucestershire, was with friends at the Spanish resort when he was approached by a group of girls who pretended to touch him up while actually emptying his pockets of all his holiday money.
Mother Mand revealed his plight on Facebook, saying he was in tears after the theft and wanted to get on the first flight home.
Alex Ayland, 20 (left), from Gloucestershire, was approached by a group of girls on his first holiday without his parents who stole all his money while pretending to touch him up
Posting on a Benidorm group, which was seen by The Sun, she said: ‘Our 20-year-old son arrived yesterday with some friends and was robbed of £400 from two girls touching him up.
‘It was his first holiday without us. He rang us in tears, it was all he had.
‘My point is if you see him could you give him a smile and hello, he wanted to get the first flight home.’
Groups of women were previously filmed targeting men at a busy crossroads in Benidorm as they headed home from nights out.

Alex’s mother Mand revealed his plight on Facebook, saying that the women took £400, leaving her son in tears and wanting to get on the first flight home
The women, some of whom posed as prostitutes, were filmed walking out in font of men as they attempted to cross, stopping them in their tracks.
While the men were distracted, they got into their pockets before lifting their valuables.
Spanish police have vowed to crack down on the behaviour, and a Romanian woman has since been arrested for stealing £400 from a Brit tourist.
Another woman was stopped by cops for pinching a £5,000 watch from an elderly man, while a third was detained after she took a wallet containing £400 from another holidaymaker.