Burger King is trolling McDonald’s. Big time.
The fast-food chain announced this week a new menu addition called the Double Quarter Pound KING sandwich — which bares an uncanny resemblance to its longtime rival’s Double Quarter Pounder.
The two burgers have near-identical ingredients, with the notable exception being that BK’s version is flame-grilled compared to McDonald’s flat-top fried. But does that make it taste better? FEMAIL put the burgers to the test.
Seems familiar… Burger King has released a Double Quarter Pound burger

War: The fast food chain mocked McDonald’s with its announcmenet
While McDonald’s offers both a Quarter Pounder and a Double Quarter Pounder, Burger King stuck with the two-patty version, totaling a half pound of meat.
They also add American cheese, ketchup, pickles, onions, and a sesame seed bun — as well as a side of snark.
‘We’d like to offer our deepest condolences to all the flat-top fried double quarter pound burgers out there. We’re flame grilling the competition,’ they wrote in a press release.
‘The new burger features more than ½ lb. of flame-grilled, 100% beef and is topped with American cheese, freshly sliced onions, zesty pickles and ketchup, all on a toasted, sesame seed bun,’ it goes on. ‘Who can compete with that?’
In terms of the nutritional values, Burger King’s offering is the more calorific and fat-filled of the two; the Double Quarter Pound King contains a whopping 900 calories and 54g of fat, while McDonald’s version contains 770 calories and 45g of fat.
The prices also vary slightly, with Burger King pricing its new menu item at $5.39, while the McDonald’s sandwich costs $5.79 at its Manhattan chains.

Twins! Like the McDonald’s one (pictured), it has two patties, American cheese, onions, pickles, and ketchup
The burgers look and taste nearly identical (left: Burger King, right: McDonalds)
So how good does it taste? The opinions at Daily Mail Online are split.
US Assistant News Editor James Nye was unequivocal in finding the newer option to be the superior choice. ‘The Burger King one was better. The cheese and meat were tastier, by far,’ he said.
US Femail Reporter Aoibhinn McBride felt just as strongly, but favored the original from McDonald’s.
‘It’s lighter and slightly sweeter (which from a health standpoint is probably not a good thing), and the pickles are more thinly sliced so the flavor is more subtle and, dare I say, refined.
‘Everything about the Burger King version is excessive, including the chunky sliced onion rings (that I had to remove despite the fact I like onions).’
US Femail Reporter Olivia Elgart prefers McDonald’s too, saying, ‘The McDonald’s patty is juicer and has more flavor, and the bun on the BK burger is too thick and not as fluffy as Mcdonald’s.’

Testing away! FEMAIL tested Burger King’s Double Quarter Pounder (left) and McDonald’s Quarter Pounder (right)

Similarities: The new Burger King burger has the same toppings as the McDonald’s one

Spot the difference: In fact the interiors of the burgers look almost identical to one another, with the McDonald’s option (pictured) containing a few more onions but not as many pickles
Yet two reporters had a difficult time landing on a favorite, pointing to how similar the two burgers really are.
‘Whoever worked on Burger’s King’s new burger definitely made a study of the McDonald’s one. I picture it playing out like Monica guessing Phoebe’s grandma’s chocolate chip cookie recipe on Friends,’ said Senior Femail Reporter Carly Stern.
‘Eating the two side-by-side (which was one of the most weirdly indulgent things I’ve ever done), I prefer the Burger King one — but just by a hair. They’re so similar that ultimately, if I was craving a double quarter pounder, it would come down to whose fries I like more (ahem — McDonalds).’
US Femail Reporter Valerie Siebert also found it to be a tough choice, but admitted, ‘The McDonald’s version has that familiarity to it, so I think I have to lean towards that one being the taste-test winner. But really they did taste shockingly similar — mostly thanks to the ketchup-pickles-onions combo.’
However, she added: ‘I am loving the pettiness of this idea and I am hoping that it’s going to result in an epic Twitter war.’

Top trolls: In October, Burger King released Spicy Chicken Nuggets

Oh snap! At the time, the chain took aim at another rival, Wendy’s
This is the second time in a matter of months that Burger King has focused a campaign on trolling a fast food rival.
In October, it added Spicy Chicken Nuggets to its menu — just months after Wendy’s axed the item from its stores, upsetting die-hard spicy nugget fans.
Burger King has made it quite clear it was looking to fill the whole in the spicy nugget market left behind by Wendy’s, and even taunted the rival chain with targeted ads.
‘Hey Wendy,’ one read. ‘We’ve been listening. It sounds like you’ve been missing that spice in your life for long enough. So, we’re bring the spice. Yeah, that’s right, Spicy Nuggets are here at Burger King.’
They’ve also bought billboards overlooking Wendy’s restaurants.