Can this ‘miracle bra’ REALLY give you bigger breasts?

Until now, flat-chested women unhappy with their lot have had to go under the knife if they want to boost their assets.

But now a high-tech vibrating bra promises to do just that – not only enlarging but making breasts perkier and even bringing them closer together – in the space of just seven days.

The inventor of the Enhancebra, or E-bra, makes the extraordinary claim that his device can permanently increase the size of a woman’s breasts by one cup size without the need for surgery.

Serbian Milan Milić, who claims the vibrating bra works by increasing blood flow to the breasts and improving circulation.

These images, allegedly taken just eight days apart, appear to show how the Enhancebra has boosted this woman’s bust – it claims to do so by vibrating and boosting blood circulation

Yours for £150: Inventor Milan Milić claims his device can permanently increase the size of a woman’s breasts by one cup size without the need for surgery

Yours for £150: Inventor Milan Milić claims his device can permanently increase the size of a woman’s breasts by one cup size without the need for surgery

He previously told MailOnline FEMAIL: ‘It is a natural process that increases the blood circulation that is feeding the breast,’ he explained. 

‘When we researched the human body, we had a theory about how we could manipulate the human body to manipulate the tissue and muscles.

‘We believe we have found a solution to do this and in this case we use it to enlarge and enhance a woman’s breasts.’ 

Now, after 14 successful trials on women around the world, the garment is set to be mass-produced for the first time, the Sun Online reports.

It is claimed that the $199 (£150) bra could help millions of women around the world achieve a bigger cleavage without undergoing painful breast augmentation surgery. 

Milan, a former engineering student, began researching alternatives to breast surgery after his girlfriend told him she wanted bigger breasts.

The security guard spent months researching the subject as a hobby before making a prototype of his vibrating bra.

In 2015, he brought the device – called the E bra – to the U.S. where two American women became the first to trial it outside of Europe.

This woman trialled the bra over six months and and shared pictures of the dramatic results. After 14 successful trials on women around the world, the garment is set to be mass-produced

This woman trialled the bra over six months and and shared pictures of the dramatic results. After 14 successful trials on women around the world, the garment is set to be mass-produced

The inventor claims the vibrating bra works by increasing blood flow to the breasts and improving circulation (pictured: one woman shows off the results

The inventor claims the vibrating bra works by increasing blood flow to the breasts and improving circulation (pictured: one woman shows off the results

Inventor Milan’s girlfriend Jelena Sabic, 26, was the first to test the prototype and the couple were blown away when she managed to enlarge her breasts by a whole size in just seven days.

Milan recalled: ‘It all started about two years ago. Jelena wanted bigger breasts and wanted plastic surgery but she was afraid of the operation and the scars afterwards.

‘She didn’t want to insert a foreign body into her body plus it was too expensive for us to afford that operation. So we started to research how we could do it differently. After our research we made the first prototype of the new bra.

‘We tried the first test of the prototype on Jelena. We thought the first result wouldn’t be visible for about two or three months but after just two days the results were very good – we understood we were on to something big.

‘After seven days she [had] gone up a whole size. You only need to wear the bra for five minutes a day, three times a day and after just seven days you will have increased her bra size by one cup size.’  

E-Bra gets a thumbs-up from Dr. Miami in independent trial

Plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzheaur – also known as Dr. Miami – who independently trialed the bra, meticulously measured and took photographs of tester Sabrina Molinar – and confirmed that her breasts increased in size after wearing it.

Stage hand Sabrina, from West Palm Beach, Florida, who spoke to Daily Mail Online before and after the trial, said her breasts had gone up by around a cup size after wearing the bra for five minutes, three times a day, for seven days. She is adamant that no other factors contributed to the increase.

Delighted Sabrina said: ‘I was a 36B before but now I think I’d be a lot more comfortable in a C cup although I haven’t been out to buy any new bras yet. I’ve always had one breast smaller than the other because I had surgery.

‘My left one is kind of squashed now in a B cup whereas my left one which used to be small in a B cup totally fills it out. It feels fuller, more full from the top to the side.

Stage hand Sabrina became one of the first women to try out the Enhance Bra in a 2015 clinical trial, and claimed that the device boosted her from a B cup to a C cup (pictured)

Stage hand Sabrina became one of the first women to try out the Enhance Bra in a 2015 clinical trial, and claimed that the device boosted her from a B cup to a C cup (pictured)

‘I notice it most when I’m sleeping – I wake up and go, “Oh my boobs they hurt,” because I’m not used to having them so I get uncomfortable.

‘I definitely feel like I fill clothes a little better and it feels good. If I give somebody a hug I have to accommodate for them – it feels different and I’m just not used to them yet. There was a definite change for me.’

And for any skeptics who doubt whether the undergarment is responsible for the physical change, Sabrina insists that the increase in breast size has nothing to do with her monthly cycle or weight gain – it’s all down to the bra.

‘Nothing was influencing it other than the bra,’ she said. ‘I’d love to try the bra out again to see if they will go even bigger.’ 

Florida-based plastic surgeon Dr. Salzhauer oversaw Sabrina’s test and confirmed her breasts had enlarged. He is now calling for a rigorous clinical trial with a larger sample size to prove the device’s effectiveness.