All planes grounded at a major Australian airport with passengers told ‘no one is going anywhere’
Issues with the air traffic control system have caused planes to be grounded at Canberra airport.
Passengers have been told ‘no one is going anywhere’ with those on a 6am flight being told to disembark the plane.
They have since been told to grab their baggage and wait in the terminal for further updates, the person told the Canberra Times.
It is believed all planes are grounded and the airport has advised passengers they are not sure when the problem will be fixed.
A loud speaker announcement within the terminal said the airspace closure was due to ‘technical difficulties with one of the radars in the Canberra area’.
Daily Mail Australia has approached Canberra Airport for comment.
Passengers on board a busy flight (stock image)
Twitter user Jeremy Mansfield said it was ‘looking like a long day’.
‘Canberra airport currently closed due to no radar,’ he said.
Another irate Twitter user said ‘Australia is officially a third world country’.
‘My better half was meant to be returning home from Canberra this morning on the first flight out at 6am,’ he said.
‘The radar is down and airspace closed. No outgoing or incoming flights.’
Canberra Airport has put no information out on its social media feeds.
Its latest posts on both Twitter and Facebook are a joke from Tuesday about controlling a plane with a plastic cone.
‘How to guarantee obedience from a Boeing 717 you ask? Stick a witches hat behind it.’
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