Cannabinoid Receptors In Endocannabinoid System Cause Dogs Sensitivity

Cannabidiol or CBD deems a safe compound for dogs by some vets, but dogs prove to be exceptionally sensitive to cannabinoids, making it necessary to ‘micro-dose.’ Products containing over trace amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol or THC can prove detrimental for a canine.

The substance is the psychoactive element found in the cannabis plant, famous for causing the ‘high’ experienced with marijuana. It is generally only traced in hemp-derived CBD products.

A dog is significantly more sensitive to the effects of THC than a human because canines have several more cannabinoid receptors than a person.

 Go here for the effects marijuana can have on pups.

Dogs are increasingly becoming exposed to more than the appropriate dose of THC whether it be on their own accord when scavenging through the house or accidental is-dosing.

What Are Cannabinoid Receptors?

The cannabis plant has hundreds of unique compounds with the two primary cannabinoids being ‘delta-9’ tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, considered the psychoactive or intoxicating element, and cannabidiol or CBD, the main non-psychoactive element.

These two elements interact with the cannabinoid receptors on cells in mammals’ brains. There are minimally two of these receptors, including CB1 and CB2. CB1 primarily involves the central nervous system or CNS affecting motor activity, memory, appetite, cognition, emotions. CB2 is more involved with the immune system and inflammation.

There is greater information available on the therapeutic effects of cannabinoids in humans than there is in the animal population. Scientists are more focused on the toxicity of domestic pets like dogs in their studies at this point.

Cannabinoid Receptors In The Canine Brain

The claims suggest that clinical studies reveal differences in canine CB2 receptors and the metabolism in dogs of the cannabinoids as compared to humans. There are also indications that dogs possess many more cannabinoid receptors in the brain than a person, creating susceptibility to toxicity when exposed to THC or tetrahydrocannabinol.

That would not be an issue if the pup is merely given a hemp-derived CBD oil product with trace to no THC level. But that can prove difficult if you come in contact with mislabeled items, accidentally give too much, or the puppy goes scavenging.

The Endocannabinoid System for Dogs

The endocannabinoid system in dogs is responsible for regulating a vast range of functions within the body, some of which include:

  • Digestion
  • Brain development
  • Mood/stability
  • Reproductive process
  • Blood pressure and heart rate
  • Sensations
  • Coordination
  • Appetite management
  • Memory

The central nervous system consists of the spinal cord and the brain, with the peripheral comprising everything remaining. It is critical for body function.

The gastrointestinal tract is a part of the endocannabinoid system that handles extracting nutrients and is responsible for digestion. This is where food breaks down for energy or stores excess fat.

Another component of the ECS is the immune system, defending the body against pathogens.

If there is a misstep in any of the functions within the ECS, a dog can experience resultant symptoms. In an effort to avoid these, cannabidiol or CBD can be introduced into the system to help regulate the ECS to correct the malfunction and get things back on track.

Cannabinoids Help Brain Function for Pup

Cannabinoids alter many aspects of brain function. Within the endocannabinoid system, CB1 and CB2 receptors interact with cannabinoids, particularly CB1 which is more responsible for processing CBD oil. When your dog consumes even trace CBD, CB1 receptors activate attempting to bring a sense of calm to your pet.

The receptors and the oil bind and interact, boasting effects that bring relaxation for the animal’s body along with relief of a variety of symptoms such as pain in relation to specific conditions.

With the relationship that the receptors have to the immune system, CBD oil’s interaction allows for improvements in dogs, including decreases in inflammation with the potential for greater mobility and increased activity.

Claims suggest that the existence of CB1 receptors is the reason for the success of CBD properties’ therapeutic benefits. Without these, there may be no reaction from the product.

Cannabidiol For Canines

Cannabidiol or CBD oil is an ever-evolving, soaring-in-popularity product for both humans and their pets. There are massive amounts of information available online regarding the substance. It’s important to be selective where you obtain your research, but that you do substantial research before giving your dog the products.

Many of the suppliers online who offer cannabidiol like PetCBDcommunity, provide educational content to help inform their audience on how the compound works in conjunction with pets and to speak regarding safety. These are some of the best resources when trying to make an educated decision for your dog.

You should also inquire with the animal’s regular vet to gain their knowledge, advice, and recommendations. Vets are not legally allowed to broach the topic with their pet parents but can discuss the subject if asked.

You don’t want to provide treatment for your pet until you ask the questions.

Final Word

A lot of ‘science’ goes into the explanation as to how the various components work together with CBD oil to achieve the results that are purported from the compound for dogs.

It might prove overwhelming or confusing. Trying to state it really simply, CBD oil (potentially) helps the brain maintain body function and actually ends up reducing some symptoms along the way that would otherwise be a problem. That’s a really basic version of a very complex system.

Critically important in using the substances for a dog is to ensure that THC is minuscule or 0. This species is intensely sensitive to the element. More and more canines are seen emergent due to toxicity because of ingestion of THC. Pet parents need to be vigilant.