- Moment a silver sedan and a white truck collided has been caught on camera
- The car can be seen pausing at a stop sign on an Australian street
- Seconds later, the sedan accelerates and immediately slams into the truck
A dashcam has captured the moment a car collided with a truck as it tried to cross two lanes of traffic.
The silver sedan can be seen pausing at a stop sign on an Australian street as the glare of the sunset reflects on the windshield.
Seconds later, the sedan accelerates forward and immediately slams into a white truck.
The driver appears to have been blinded by the sun’s glare.
The video, posted to Dash Can Owners Australia’s Facebook page, has 35,000 views.

A dashcam has captured the moment a car collided with a truck as it tried to cross two lanes of traffic

The silver sedan can be seen pausing at a stop sign on an Australian street as the glare of the sunset reflects on the windshield