Caravans are parked on THREE spots in leafy London suburb

Beleaguered residents are begging police to take action after travellers sites sprung up across three of their recreation grounds.

An army of caravans pulled up to Willett Recreation Ground in Bromley on Monday evening, prompting a number of complaints from neighbours. 

But rather than leave the site, the group has now made its way to Whitehall Recreation Ground and Hayes Common in the London borough.

Travellers left Willett Recreation Ground and moved swiftly onto Whitehall Recreation Ground this morning

An army of caravans pulled up to Whitehall Recreation Ground and Hayes Common today

An army of caravans pulled up to Whitehall Recreation Ground and Hayes Common today

Locals are up in arms about the move and are urging the police and council to take action. Pictured, Whitehall Recreation Ground today

Locals are up in arms about the move and are urging the police and council to take action. Pictured, Whitehall Recreation Ground today

The Metropolitan Police are working with Bromley Council to move the travellers on.

A Section 61 notice was served by police this morning at 10.32am, giving the group 24 hours notice to leave the area.

Councillor for the Bickley ward Kate Lymer has been keeping locals updated on Twitter. She wrote: ‘The good news is that they have left PettsWood. 

‘The bad news is that they have split up and have just entered Hayes Common and Whitehall Rec.’

One resident replied: ‘Hells bells! Honestly no one would mind if it was a brief stopover and the local crime rate didn’t increase tenfold and they didn’t leave 30 tons of c**p behind!’

The Metropolitan Police are working with Bromley Council to move the travellers on

The Metropolitan Police are working with Bromley Council to move the travellers on

A Section 61 notice was served by police this morning at 10.32am, giving the group 24 hours notice to leave the area. Pictured, Whitehall Recreation Ground in Bromley this morning

A Section 61 notice was served by police this morning at 10.32am, giving the group 24 hours notice to leave the area. Pictured, Whitehall Recreation Ground in Bromley this morning

Scores of caravans arrived at Willetts Recreation Ground in Petts Wood, Bromley yesterday (pictured)

Scores of caravans arrived at Willetts Recreation Ground in Petts Wood, Bromley yesterday (pictured)

An army of caravans pulled up to Willett Recreation Ground in Bromley on Monday evening, prompting a number of complaints from neighbours

An army of caravans pulled up to Willett Recreation Ground in Bromley on Monday evening, prompting a number of complaints from neighbours

Another Twitter user added: ‘What are the chances of getting them out of the area for good rather than allowing them to invade place after place? Pickhurst Park, Willett Rec and now Whitehall Rec and Hayes common. Time to get proactive.’ 

Last week dozens of caravans parked up at Ashtead recreation ground after the travellers were moved on from Thames Ditton – and, prior to that, Cobham in Surrey.

Residents in Thames Ditton had said their lives were blighted by anti-social behaviour and alleged thefts since around 40 caravans arrived.

Traveller camps have also been set up in recent days in Ham, West London, and Ringmer, East Sussex. 

Councillor Lymer, who is also Executive Councillor for Public Protection and Enforcement said: ‘We are looking at all legal options to prevent and stop illegal incursions of this nature and residents should know that we will and are following these processes. 

‘The Council and the Police are aware of two illegal traveller incursions, on Hayes Common and in Whitehall Recreation Ground, with this group occupying the site following earlier legal action by the Police at Willett Recreation Ground in Petts Wood. We will continue to liaise with the Police to ultimately bring these incursions to an end.’ 

The Met Police have been contacted for comment.