Being pregnant, it is important for every woman to take care of her health as this is very vital to have a sound development and health of the baby at the time of delivery. Thus love and care from the mother plays the main role to connect with the new comers throughout the pregnancy. Choices of foods, stress free and healthy living, lots of smile and obviously regular visit to the doctor are the things that a woman must possess during pregnancy. Preconception and prenatal care thus, can help the woman to prevent complications and inform her about necessary steps she can take to protect her infant and ensure a healthy pregnancy.
About emotional health
It is nothing but state of well-being. When the mother feels well and free, she is better capable of dealing with stress and other complicated factors and enjoys her life. Being active has always been a part of a healthy pregnancy as it also keeps up the good active health of the baby by providing good eating habits and other requirements. While being pregnant, the baby is exposed to everything the mother experiences. The connection establishes through the sound, the air, the food and obviously the emotion the mother feels.
Depression in pregnancy
It is proved that when the mother feels happy and calm, it allows the baby to develop in a happy, calm environment. However, emotions like stress, anxiety and depression can fluctuate the levels of some particular hormones in the mother’s body which in due course can affect the baby’s development in both body and brain. But the doctors found it normal to have occasional negative thoughts, dreams or fleeting doubts and even depressions. Many factors works together to make a woman think in this way which includes worries about the birth, lack of sleep and worries about how they would fit as a parent etc. Thus, it is very important to deal with depression in early pregnancy to avoid complications in future course or at the time of delivery.
Dealing depression
Study shows that depression which is nothing but a mood disorder, affects between 14%- 23% of women during pregnancy. But all too often, this condition is not diagnosed properly during pregnancy because they think it is just a normal problem. But the fact is that, during pregnancy, hormone changes can affect the chemicals in the woman’s brain which can be increased by difficult life situations, which can result in depression. Thus, untreated depression can lead to poor nutrition, drinking or smoking or even suicidal behavior which can cause premature birth, low birth weight and developmental problems. The newly born babies might be less active and thus it is important to talk to the doctors stating the every symptoms and struggles. Medication or other therapies are there to help them out of the problem.
Thus, it is very important for both the mother and her family to observe great care and love to avoid depression when pregnant to continue a good health for both the mother and the baby.