Casey Affleck opens up about sexual harassment lawsuits

Actor Casey Affleck poses for a portrait August 3, 2010 at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles to promote his upcoming film ‘The Old Man & The Gun,’ in theaters on September 28 

Casey Affleck has taken responsibility for his past mistakes by issuing his first public apology since being accused of sexual harassment by two female colleagues in civil lawsuits settled in 2010.

As the 42-year-old actor prepares for the September release of his 2018 crime comedy film, ‘The Old Man & the Gun,’ he has taken accountability for his actions in hopes to move forward in his career.

Affleck was accused of crawling into bed with Magdelena Gorka – a woman he had been working with on their film ‘I’m Still Here’ in 2008. Gorka detailed the allegations in the civil suit filed against the actor two years later.

While speaking to the Associated Press last week, Ben Affleck’s younger brother opened up about the sexual harassment allegations.

‘The cast was the crew and the crew was kind of the cast and it was an unprofessional environment and, you know, the buck had to stop with me being one of the producers and I have to accept responsibility for that and that was a mistake,’ Affleck said.

‘I contributed to that unprofessional environment and I tolerated that kind of behavior from other people and I wish that I hadn’t. And I regret a lot of that. 

‘I really did not know what I was responsible for as the boss. I don’t even know if I thought of myself as the boss. But I behaved in a way and allowed others to behave in a way that was really unprofessional. And I’m sorry.’

In another civil suit, producer Amanda White alleged Affleck showed her his penis and attempted to lure her into a hotel room with him at the time he was still married to Summer Phoenix.

White claims Affleck tried to coerce her into a room to have sex while fellow actor Joaquin Phoenix was having sex with another woman on set.

Actor Joaquin Phoenix (left) is seen during filming of 'I'm Still Here,' released in 2010. Affleck (right) is seen directing. Affleck was accused of sexual harassment by two women on set of the film

Actor Joaquin Phoenix (left) is seen during filming of ‘I’m Still Here,’ released in 2010. Affleck (right) is seen directing. Affleck was accused of sexual harassment by two women on set of the film

Casey Affleck, winner of Best Actor for 'Manchester by the Sea,' poses in the press room during the 89th Annual Academy Awards on February 26, 2017 in Hollywood, California. The Oscar-winning finally apologized last week after being accused of sexual harassment eight years ago

Casey Affleck, winner of Best Actor for ‘Manchester by the Sea,’ poses in the press room during the 89th Annual Academy Awards on February 26, 2017 in Hollywood, California. The Oscar-winning finally apologized last week after being accused of sexual harassment eight years ago

When she declined his advances, White claimed he sent her text messages and called her ‘profane names’. 

The two women settled the lawsuits with Affleck, but cannot comment on their allegations as part of their settlement agreement.

Represented by the same lawyer, producer White sought $2m and cinematographer Magdalena Gorka sought $2.25m in their individual lawsuits.

White wrote in court papers that she ‘was forced to endure uninvited and unwelcome sexual advances in the workplace.’

She went on to state in her filing: ‘On one occasion, Affleck instructed a crew member to take off his pants in order to show [White] his penis, even after [White] objected.

‘Affleck repeatedly referred to women as “cows”; he discussed his sexual exploits and those of other celebrities that he allegedly witnessed; and asked [White] after learning her age, “Isn’t it about time you get pregnant.”‘

White also claimed that at one point she could not get into her bedroom while shooting in Costa Rica because ‘Affleck and Phoenix locked themselves in her bedroom with two women.’

She said that later in the shoot Affleck ‘attempted to manipulate [her] into staying in a hotel room with him, and when she resisted he grabbed her in a hostile manner in an effort to intimidate her into complying.’

Gorka’s allegations were just as serious – claiming that she was subject to ‘routine instances of sexual harassment’ on the set.

She wrote in her court filing: ‘Affleck and other members of the production team made lewd comments; they discussed engaging in sexual activity with [Gorka]; and they suggested that she have sex with the camera assistant.’  

A since-divorced Affleck expressed his regrets during last week’s interview.

Brothers Casey  and Ben Affleck are seen together on January 8, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California. Casey stepped away from the spotlight when the #MeToo movement began

Brothers Casey and Ben Affleck are seen together on January 8, 2017 in Beverly Hills, California. Casey stepped away from the spotlight when the #MeToo movement began

‘First of all, that I was ever involved in a conflict that resulted in a lawsuit is something that I really regret. I wish I had found a way to resolve things in a different way. I hate that.

‘I had never had any complaints like that made about me before in my life and it was really embarrassing and I didn’t know how to handle it and I didn’t agree with everything, the way I was being described, and the things that were said about me, but I wanted to try to make it right, so we made it right in the way that was asked at the time. 

‘And we all agreed to just try to put it behind us and move on with our lives, which I think we deserve to do, and I want to respect them as they’ve respected me and my privacy. And that’s that,’ he concluded about the matter.

Earlier this year, he had stepped away from the spotlight and declined to present the best actress award at the Oscars amid the #MeToo movement.

‘I think it was the right thing to do just given everything that was going on in our culture at the moment… and having two incredible women go present the best actress award felt like the right thing,’ he went on to say.

Affleck, who was married to Phoenix from 2006 up until their divorce last year – said he hopes the lessons he learned from his mistakes may help him be a better father in the future.

‘I have two boys so I want to be in a world where grown men model compassion and decency and also contrition when it’s called for, and I certainly tell them to own their mistakes when they make them.’

Casey Affleck poses for a portrait at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles  on September 28. The actor spoke to the Associated Press about the harassment allegations against him

Casey Affleck poses for a portrait at the Four Seasons Hotel in Los Angeles on September 28. The actor spoke to the Associated Press about the harassment allegations against him