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All posts in: Health

HRT skin patch ‘has less stroke risk’ than pills, study

Women who take HRT to control the often debilitating symptoms of menopause could slash their risk of a stroke by switching to a skin-patch form of treatment. A ... read more

HEALTH NOTES: I’m not so sweet now, says Paris Hilton

By Mail on Sunday Reporter Published: 22:02 BST, 19 August 2017 | Updated: 22:02 BST, 19 August 2017 Paris Hilton says that she’s in the best shape of her lif... read more

Lisa Oldfield takes Harry, 6, to get his nails painted

She’s been criticised for her parenting decisions before. But Lisa Oldfield wasn’t letting anyone speak down about her decision to take son Harry, 6... read more

Britain is still the teen motherhood capital of Europe

Britain has kept its place as the teenage motherhood capital of Europe despite plunging rates of pregnancy among young women. The country’s unenviable reputa... read more

Marijuana killed a man who died of a heart arrhythmia

A mother claims marijuana killed her son by triggering a heart arrhythmia. Michael Ziobro, 22, was found dead on his bedroom floor in New Jersey by his mother K... read more

Eye test could spot Alzheimer’s disease in early stages

An eye test could spot Alzheimer’s disease two decades before symptoms emerge, a new study claims.  Researchers in Los Angeles trialed the test on 16 pat... read more

Teenagers wanting to be bricklayers drink MORE alcohol

Teenagers who want to settle as bricklayers drink more alcohol than those seeking a promising career as a banker, a study suggests. It showed those happy to wor... read more

Incredible heart-shaped cell entangled in a blood clot

This astounding photo of a heart-shaped cell entangled in a blood clot has won the British Hearth Foundation’s 2017 photo contest.  In the image, which w... read more

10 women a day seeking help from lawyers over vaginal mesh

At least 10 women each day are approaching lawyers demanding compensation for the life-changing damage caused to their bodies by controversial vaginal mesh, it ... read more

Using conditioner after a nuclear attack is lethal

When North Korea threatened to send nuclear missiles to Guam, the island’s inhabitants received a strange order from defence experts: Don’t use cond... read more

Aspiring footballer has a 59″ belly that will kill him

An aspiring footballer is in constant pain due to a life-threatening condition that has caused his abdomen to bloat to 59 inches. Bikash Hazarika, 21, from a re... read more

Black cancer patient is slowly turning white

A cancer sufferer claims she is ‘losing her identity as a black woman’ because she is slowly turning white – a rare side effect of her treatme... read more

Chemicals in soap and sunscreen reduce sperm quality

Chemicals commonly found in soap, sunscreen and plastic reduce sperm quality, new research reveals. Hormone-disrupting chemicals, known as parabens, are signifi... read more

High doses of vitamin C could help fight blood cancer

Super-strength vitamin C doses could be a way to fight leukemia, ‘exciting’ early trials suggest. Found in high levels in oranges, peppers, and kale... read more

Cute neck floats for babies are ‘DEATH TRAPS’

They may look cute and seem harmless, but neck floats for babies can have deadly consequences, an expert warns. Kyran Quinlan, associate professor of pediatrics... read more

E-cigarettes are a gateway to smoking for teens

Of those who do not use cigarettes but do vape, 34.4 per cent smoke a year later This is compared to only nine per cent who did not previously use e-cigarettes ... read more

The savior baby | Daily Mail Online

An unborn baby may have the power to save the life of his, or her, uncle just minutes after they enter the world, its mother claims. Georgina Russell, 31, from ... read more

Roxy Jacenko lost even more weight, carries mystery box

Roxy Jacenko has been spotted in the midst of another impromptu workout session near her Bondi home. After the Sweaty Betty PR maven, 37, worked her quads while... read more

Shrink burgers and crisps packets to beat obesity

Burgers will be made thinner and crisp packets smaller under a new drive to tackle obesity. The Government is drawing up guidelines aimed at drastically cuttin... read more

Retired NFL player to be in the first to try new ALS drug

He has been diagnosed with ALS, a terminal and brutal disease which will likely leave him unable to speak or walk within months. But retired NFL star William Wh... read more

DNA testing analysis ‘is a waste of money, study finds’

Knowing that changing your habits could save your life does not mean you will do it, a study has revealed. Mail-order DNA testing has fast become a booming busi... read more

Snake bite leaves Georgia girl fighting for her life

A twelve-year-old girl had to fight for her life after a timber rattlesnake bit her in the leg while she was playing at a friend’s house in Georgia. Cecil... read more

Eight-week-old baby dies of sepsis in Dudley

Emma George, 24, had taken Felicity to a hospital urgent care centre A grief-stricken mother told yesterday how she woke up to find her eight-week-old daughter ... read more

Girl, 14, diagnosed with brain tumor after ‘period pains’

When Haley Flatt reached 10, she started to getting extreme migraines that would leave the side of her face numb. Doctors said they were just side effects from ... read more