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All posts in: Health

Prostate cancer could be cured with a ‘game-changing’ HOUR-long op

How many people does it kill?  More than 11,800 men a year – or one every 45 minutes – are killed by the disease in Britain, compared with about 11... read more

Importance of telemedicine software

The phrase “health information technology” (health IT) refers to a wide range of technologies for storing, sharing, and analyzing health data. Telem... read more

Twins with breast cancer – one in the US, the other the UK – compare vastly different experiences

Identical twins Nancy and Nora Groce ‘just knew’ that one day they’d face breast cancer.  The disease killed their great-grandmother and gran... read more

DR ELLIE CANNON: Could I be at risk of a heart attack by exercising too much? 

I am 64, consider myself very fit and am a healthy weight. I go to the gym three times a week and like to push myself to get my heart rate up.  Recently I̵... read more

If we have to wear masks to help stop the spread of Covid, can we at least get ones that work? 

Nobody in their right mind really wants to wear a mask. I know I don’t.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel suffocated or dehumanised or partic... read more

Thousands of migraine sufferers set to qualify for ‘life-changing’ monthly jab

Thousands of migraine sufferers could find relief after being told they can have a pain-busting wonder drug on the NHS. Doctors in England and Wales have been g... read more

HEALTH NOTES: A computer mouse is the biggest hotspot for bacteria at the office

For those looking for more excuses not to go back to the office, researchers have discovered the workplace hotspots for bacteria and other ‘contaminants’. A... read more

Why are CBD products so popular when there’s not a jot of evidence they do anything for our health? 

They’re there, front-and-centre, on the shelves at Boots under a sign saying ‘sleep and relaxation’ – little bottles of tincture, capsules, ... read more

Mounting evidence suggests some people are naturally Covid-resistant – even as virus mutates

It’s a common yet curious tale: a household hit by Covid, but one family member never tests positive or gets so much as a sniffle.  Meanwhile there are t... read more

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: What 2021 taught me and how it can change your life, too

Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet? If you are looking for inspiration, then here are some of the tried-and-tested things I have incorporated into m... read more

PAUL McKENNA launches a major series with a three-step plan to help you press reset on your emotions

The pandemic’s left so many of us stressed and worn out. But today Paul McKenna launches a major Mail series with a three-step plan to help you press reset on... read more

PAUL MCKENNA – You CAN switch off stress with these ingenious mind tricks

The pandemic’s left so many of us stressed and worn out. But today Paul McKenna launches a major Mail series with a three-step plan to help you press reset on... read more

Britain’s Omicron wave hits another pandemic high

Britain’s ever-growing wave of Omicron soared to yet another pandemic high today as Boris Johnson warned of ‘challenges’ in the weeks ahead. ... read more

Boris is urged to convene COBRA to save NHS from ‘devastating’ staffing crisis

Boris Johnson was today urged to call an emergency Cobra meeting to ‘thrash out a rescue plan’ to save the NHS from its ‘devastating’ wo... read more

Covid UK: Over 2MILLION people in England were infected on December 23 amid Omicron outbreak

More than 2million people in England had Covid just before Christmas, official surveillance data suggested today amid warning signs that infections are now risi... read more

Experts warn dishing out fourth jabs in spring may be pointless

Britain, the US and other major economies could be on the brink of over-vaccinating people in the fight against Covid, experts say. Israeli officials have alrea... read more

Up to 9.5MILLION eligible over-18s in England have still yet to get top-up vaccine

Millions of eligible people in England have not had their Covid booster dose, official figures show – despite the Prime Minister insisting No10’s th... read more

Covid testing shortage could have a ‘devastating’ impact on patient care, doctors warn

Britain’s shortage of Covid swabs could have a ‘devastating’ impact on patient care in hospitals, leading doctors have warned. Thousands of pe... read more

Painless smear test doubles uptake in over-50s

Painless smear test DOUBLES uptake in over-50s: Older women are more likely to go for a check-up that uses a swab, study shows  Half of UK deaths from cervical... read more

Covid US: Cases rose 150% in past two weeks as Omicron variant hit Florida, Georgia and Louisiana

The United States is suffering from its worst Covid surge yet, and some experts fear it is only beginning.  The nation is averaging more than 300,000 new cases... read more

Soldiers will have to be drafted in to help staff make-shift ‘Nightingale’ wards

The NHS cannot ‘magic up’ staff to oversee temporary ‘Nightingale’ wards in hospital car parks, health leaders warned today as construct... read more

Sajid Javid warns kits could be rationed as contractors are spotted outside NANDOS handing out boxes

Sajid Javid also revealed that the UK had trebled its order of lateral flow kits Lateral flow tests are set to be in short supply for another two weeks as offic... read more

NHS crisis continues as bosses warn of ‘massive problems’ caused by Omicron

The Omicron-fuelled staffing crisis in the NHS was laid bare today as paramedics warned ambulances were being taken off the road because of a lack of emergency ... read more

NHS guidance STILL says people who test positive for Covid should self-isolate for 10 DAYS

The NHS is still telling Covid-infected people in England to self-isolate for ten days, MailOnline can reveal.  This is despite ministers deciding last week t... read more