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All posts in: Health

Boris FINALLY rules out new curbs before Dec 25

PM’s statement ruling out Christmas Day curbs  Good afternoon everybody. I wanted to update you quickly on the latest Covid situation. There is no doubt ... read more

Covid accounted for just one in 16 deaths in the week Omicron first hit UK

Covid was behind just one in 16 deaths in England and Wales in the first full week after Omicron hit Britain as virus fatalities hit a two-month low, officia... read more

FDA approves new HIV prevention drug taken by injection every two months

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a new drug for HIV prevention that may be easier to take for many patients This new drug, called Apretude, i... read more

Previous Delta infection alone provides little protection against Omicron

People who are unvaccinated but were previously infected by the Delta Covid variant may have very little protection against Omicron, a new study finds. Research... read more

This number one bestselling Oral-B electric toothbrush is just £39.60 at Amazon today

‘My teeth feel like I’ve been to the hygienist’: Amazon reviewers love this Oral-B electric toothbrush – and it’s reduced by 56% t... read more

Covid US: Fauci says Omicron spreads at ‘unprecedented’ speed and cases will DOUBLE every two days

The Omicron variant is now the dominant Covid strain in the U.S., and the nation’s top health officials are issuing stern warnings that the situation wil... read more

Just 10% of patients take up 40% of GP appointments and visit their practice 60 TIMES a year

Just 10% of patients take up 40% of GP appointments and visit their practice 60 TIMES a year, major study finds Some 40% of appointments are taken up by just on... read more

Why it’s easier to believe in Father Christmas than SAGE’s 6k Covid deaths a day projection

Modelling by SAGE was today slammed as ‘fictitious’ after projecting 6,000 daily Covid deaths and 10,000 hospitalisations this winter in a worst-ca... read more

Choose Your Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Prostate duct enlargement is the most common benign problem in older males. Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a medical term that describes an abnormal expa... read more

Covid cases soar above 90,000 again as Christmas hangs in the balance

Britain’s daily Covid cases remaind flat today and have barely moved in four days despite Government scientists insisting the Omicron outbreak is doubling... read more

Yes, there is such a thing as healthy hot chocolate that actually tastes good!

Sales of comforting drinks such as hot chocolate soared by 15 per cent over lockdown last year but market analysts say consumers are now looking for healthy ve... read more

Will cutting my cholesterol cause dementia? DR MARTIN SCURR answers your health questions

Last month I started taking statins because I have furred arteries. My cholesterol level is now 2.5, having fallen from between 4.1 and 4.3 since I started the ... read more

Why the official advice on how to use EpiPens may not be the full picture

They are the life-saving devices that people with severe allergies reach for in an emergency — but now doctors are warning that people may not be using EpiPe... read more

MOIRA PETTY: Signing up for a drug trial after a stroke really helped me

Befuddled and shocked, I sat in the chair by my hospital bed as two more medics approached.  It was December 2020 and the previous day I’d spent more than te... read more

Why stem cells from teeth could help treat depression

Dental pulp taken from the centre of extracted teeth is being tested as a way to treat depression in a new trial. The theory is that stem cells — master cells... read more

How to Care for a Fixed Dental Bridge

A fixed dental bridge is a false tooth used by the dentist to cover a missing tooth between two healthy teeth to make it easier to chew and restore your ability... read more

Everything the scientists know right now about Omicron

With cases of Covid infection reportedly doubling every one and a half to two days, thanks to the emergence of the Omicron variant, we have spoken to leading ex... read more

Is Emma’s story proof that antibiotics can make you pile on the pounds? 

From her early 20s, make-up artist Emma Johnson needed repeated courses of antibiotics to help with recurrent and painful urinary tract infections (UTIs). Howev... read more

Why experts say you should never ignore a mole that appears after you hit 40 

Liz Elgar is the first to admit she might appear overzealous about sun protection. ‘I’m that mother you see in the park or on the beach running arou... read more

JONATHAN GORNALL : Why have 200,000 NHS workers not had Covid jabs?

As we face a rising tide of Omicron cases, much has been made of the importance of protecting the NHS and taking steps to minimise the spread. This is so that t... read more

New Zealand man, 26, dies from myocarditis tied to Pfizer vaccine, health officials say 

A 26-year-old New Zealand man’s death is being attributed to the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The man, who is unnamed in a report by local health off... read more

Covid cases grow in New York and New Jersey, states in Northeast and Great Plains watch Covid recede

While Covid cases are continuing to surge in parts of America during this new, Omicron variant-fueled, Covid surge, some areas are finally seeing the end of sur... read more

D-day for Christmas as Boris Johnson considers new Covid curbs

What was in Step 2 of Boris Johnson’s original lockdown exit road map?  The Government could opt to impose a two-week circuit-breaker lockdown in England... read more

South Africa’s daily Covid cases fall for the THIRD day in a row and hospital admissions drop 20%

Daily Covid cases in South Africa have fallen week-on-week for the third day in a row and hospital admissions are tumbling just a month into its Omicron outbrea... read more