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All posts in: Health

Moderna booster shot increases Omicron fighting antibodies 20-fold

Moderna’s Covid booster shot can increase a person’s Omicron variant-fighting antibodies 20-fold,  – but still offers far less protection ag... read more

Prevalence of the Omicron variant increased seven-fold in ONE WEEK

Omicron cases in the United States have jumped seven-fold in a week, the CDC revealed, with data from states showing confirmed infections with the new COVID var... read more

Government to DOUBLE capacity for number of Covid tests to 900,0000

Public health chiefs and Royal Mail bosses have today announced plans to double the amount of lateral flow and PCR test deliveries in a bid to tackle the Covid ... read more

Covid-19 UK: Boris Johnson will hold 5pm Downing St press conference on Omicron today

The UK today announced its highest ever daily coronavirus case number as the Omicron super variant starts to engulf the nation and Boris Johnson prepares to ho... read more

UKHSA boss admits agency WASN’T consulted on vaccine passports

One of Britain’s top health chiefs today admitted she was not consulted on No10’s decision to introduce vaccine passports.  Dr Susan Hopkins, the U... read more

More than a MILLION Britons will be isolating on Xmas Day after catching Covid 

More than 1million people in the UK are likely to be isolating with Covid on their own on Christmas Day, the latest data suggests. England’s chief medica... read more

What is Ivermectin and how does it work?

Ivermectin is safe to use, so safe it is on the WHO’s List of the World’s Most Essential Medicines. It can also be used by pregnant women and childr... read more

Up to 40% of people who are infected with Covid will suffer an asymptomatic case, study finds

About four in ten COVID-19 cases are asymptomatic, according to a new meta-analysis. The research performed by a team from Beijing’s Peking University in... read more

Attempt by J&J to halt lawsuit claiming that its talcum powder can cause potentially-deadly disease

Supreme Court rejects attempts by J&J to block lawsuit claiming that its talcum powder can cause potentially-deadly diseases including ovarian cancer The Su... read more

COVID vaccine passports triggered rush to get shots in countries with low uptake, study finds

Vaccine passports are effective at convincing people in areas of low vaccination rates to get their shots, a new study finds. Researchers at the University of O... read more

Omicron variant now makes up more than one in 10 new COVID cases in New York and New Jersey

The Omicron variant is currently causing about 13 percent of new COVID-19 cases in New York and New Jersey, according to new data from the Centers for Disease C... read more

Omicron curbs needed for TWO MONTHS, top health boss warns amid fears variant behind 200,000 cases

Fears are mounting that Britain could be plunged into a ‘de facto lockdown’ in the New Year because so many people will be sick with the Covid varia... read more

Omicron variant spreads faster but is less likely to cause severe infection, study finds

The Omicron variant appears to spread more quickly than past versions of the coronavirus, yet is less likely to cause severe illness, a new South African study ... read more

Eli Lilly and Regeneron monoclonal antibody Covid treatments are not as effective against Omicron

Some of the most effective treatments against COVID-19 in America’s arsenal may not be as effective against the Omicron variant, a worrying sign as news e... read more

Sajid Javid accused of scare-mongering for ‘wild’ claim 200k Britons are catching Omicron each day

Sajid Javid and his top health advisers were today accused of scare-mongering after clarifying that gloomy models do estimate that 200,000 Britons could be catc... read more

Two Covid jabs DON’T raise risk of myocarditis in English youngsters, real-world data shows

There is not an increased risk of heart inflammation from Pfizer’s Covid vaccine in British adults and older teenagers, the world’s biggest study i... read more

Risk of DUAL infection from Omicron and Delta could create a new super-mutant variant

Omicron and Delta may strike people at the same time and COMBINE to create an even worse Covid variant in the coming weeks, Moderna boss warns Dr Paul Burton, c... read more

Jab booking chaos saw 4.4MILLION try to book a slot but just 545,000 get one

Britons getting Covid vaccines shouldn’t have to wait around for 15 minutes afterwards, health chiefs ruled today in an attempt to speed up the booster ro... read more

Omicron becomes DOMINANT in London as data shows city’s hospital admissions are surging

The Omicron Covid variant spreading at a ferocious pace in the UK has become dominant in London barely two weeks after it was first detected, health chiefs reve... read more

Just seven in 10 eligible women had smear tests last year

Smear testing rates dropped to their lowest ever level during the first year of the pandemic, official figures show. In the year up to March 2021, just seven in... read more

Omicron variant now detected in 33 states including ALASKA as the US eclipses 50 million Covid cases

The Omicron variant is now in 33 U.S. states ands the District of Columbia, including far off Alaska, as the mutant strain that has dominated the world in recen... read more

DR. ANGELIQUE COETZEE: I alerted the wider world to Omicron – and I believe Britain is overreacting

The UK Government’s handling of what Boris Johnson warned will be a ‘tidal wave’ of Omicron infections verges on hysteria. With predictions of... read more

Now Dominic Raab claims 250 Britons have been hospitalised with Omicron

Boris Johnson today faced demands to urgently clarify the situation over Britain’s first Omicron death and 10 hospitalisations after warnings that the ann... read more

Essential Facts About Pelvic Congestion Syndrome

Pelvic congestion syndrome (PCS) is one of the leading causes of persistent pelvic discomfort in women, a disorder that can cause substantial disability. Around... read more