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All posts in: Health

Michigan hospitals are being overwhelmed as the early signs of Covid surge begin to form

Michigan hospitals are being swarmed by Covid patients, and many are having trouble dealing with stress put on the state’s health care system. The Great L... read more

DR MICHAEL MOSLEY: Clever tricks to help you lose weight at Christmas

The ‘problem’ with Christmas, as we all know, is saying ‘no’ to just one more pig in a blanket or goose-fat roasted potato. But it’... read more

Covid-19 UK: NHS booking site won’t let some eligible over-40s book boosters until Christmas Eve

The NHS’s Covid booster drive was thrown into yet more chaos today, with eligible over-40s unable to book their appointments until Christmas Eve. People i... read more

Omicron-hotspot London is suffering the FASTEST growth in cases of all England’s regions

Omicron already makes up 30 per cent of new Covid cases in London, according to confidential data given to ministers that underlines the severity of the situati... read more

Expert who correctly predicted Delta surge says Omicron will become America’s dominant strain soon

A public health expert who has previously made dark predictions about the Covid pandemic – only to be correct – believes the new Omicron variant wil... read more

England’s Covid outbreak did NOT grow in week Omicron was detected

England’s Covid outbreak didn’t grow in the first week the Omicron variant was detected, according to official estimates released today. But the sam... read more

Under-40s are being invited for Covid boosters in defiance of guidelines

Under-40s are getting Covid boosters in defiance of NHS guidelines, it was revealed today. Officials have yet to officially start inviting younger adults, despi... read more

No10’s Plan C to fight Omicron could also limit care home visits BEFORE Christmas

Nicola Sturgeon today announced entire families in Scotland will have to self-isolate for 10 days if one member of the household tests positive for coronavirus ... read more

Omicron has now been sequenced in HALF of U.S. states, while expert issues grave warning

Dr Gregory Poland (pictured) warns that there are 32,000 Americans alive right now who will be dead because of Covid by the end of the year, and do not even kno... read more

Omicron may be infecting 4,000 BRITONS a day

As many as 4,000 Britons may be catching Omicron every day with the super-variant on track to replace Delta in in a matter of days, official data suggests — ... read more

SAGE expert calls for five-year-olds to be jabbed to fight off the impending Omicron wave

Britain’s Covid vaccine rollout should be extended to primary school children to defend against the incoming Omicron wave, a senior SAGE scientist said t... read more

GPs on video calls miss vital clues and struggle to build relationships with patients, study finds 

GPs on video calls miss vital clues and struggle to build relationships with patients, new study finds Doctors struggle to build relationships with patients ove... read more

Covid booster shots could reduce a fully vaccinated person’s risk of death 90%, study finds 

COVID-19 vaccine boosters can significantly decrease the already low risk of death fully vaccinated people face from the virus, a new study finds. A research te... read more

Effectiveness of the vaccines at preventing hospitalization from Covid drops after 120 days

The ability of the COVID-19 vaccines to prevent severe illness and hospitalization wanes over time, a CDC study finds. Researchers at the agency found that the ... read more

Booster drive chaos as over-40s say they’re being TURNED AWAY at clinics

NHS bosses tonight launched a crack down on the booster jab chaos that has embroiled the country by telling clinics to stop turning away eligible Britons and fi... read more

People with OCD could have brains zapped to stop obsessive compulsion as it happens 

Zapping the brains of people with OCD could soon help them before symptoms even start, study claims Around one in 50 people suffer from obsessive compulsive dis... read more

Health chiefs name England’s Omicron hotspots as West Northamptonshire tops the charts

England’s Omicron hotspot was today revealed as West Northamptonshire as No10’s scientific advisers warned the mutant strain could trigger the bi... read more

It’s too early to cancel holiday gatherings in fear of the Omicron variant, expert says

It’s too early for Americans to cancel holiday plans due to the Omicron variant of COVID-19, physician and health policy expert Dr Leana Wen told CNN on T... read more

FDA expands authorization for Pfizer COVID-19 booster to include Americans aged 16 or 17

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has expanded the availability of the COVID-19 vaccine booster shots in the wake of new data showing the Omicron variant c... read more

UK faces calls to follow US and approve AstraZeneca’s Covid antibody drug

Britain should follow the US and approve AstraZeneca’s breakthrough drug to stop hundreds of thousands of vulnerable adults from becoming ill in the oncom... read more

SAGE scientists warn Plan B WON’T solve Omicron crisis in hint ‘Christmas lite’ may be needed

What are the new Covid rules in England? WFH The return of work from home guidance. People will be told to work from home in England from Monday if they are abl... read more

NHS backlog for routine treatment hits 6MILLION:

Nearly 6million people are on the NHS waiting list for routine treatment in England and more than 10,000 people waited 12-plus hours to be seen in A&E las... read more

Fauci says its a matter of ‘when, not if’ the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ will require booster

Dr Anthony Fauci, the U.S.’s top infectious disease expert, said Wednesday that the definition of ‘fully vaccinated’ in America will eventuall... read more

FDA authorizes AstraZeneca COVID-19 antibody treatment

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has authorized AstraZeneca’s monoclonal antibody treatment for people at high risk of severe COVID-19 symptoms. Unlike ... read more