CBD Oil vs. CBD Cream – A Brief Comparison

There has been so much hype of late particularly on the media concerning the ever-rising popularity of CBD. A lot of confusion has still dominated this field about the composition, chemical ability as well as manner in which this product works.

The main forms of CBD are CBD oils and CBD creams. This article seeks to inform you more about these products so that you can have the best understanding. As such, you will be in a position to make your own choice of whether to use CBD oil or CBD cream.

What are Cannabinoids?

These are basically the naturally occurring compounds that are found in the cannabis plant. This plant has more than four hundred and eighty compounds but only sixty-six of them are referred to as cannabinoids. The most known cannabinoids in the cannabis Sativa plant are THC and CBD.

The former is the compound that is known to induce “high” feelings. On the other hand, CBD is the commonly known cannabinoid with so many health benefits.

Cannabis breakdown (Hemp/Marijuana/Hemp seeds)

Hemp and marijuana are very closely related but not the same at all. The main difference arises in the level of THC each of them has. For instance, the hemp plant has not more than 0.3% of THC while marijuana has 5-20% of THC.

This, therefore, means that you cannot get high with hemp which is not the case for marijuana. Hemps seeds are essentially the seeds of the hemp plant which have very low levels of THC.

Overview of CBD Oil

CBD oil is essentially extracted from marijuana or hemp plant. It comes with some levels of THC which will not cause any mind-altering effects. CBD oil can be extracted in different ways but the most common is the CO2 extraction which gives the purest results.

This CBD product is consumed orally in form of CBD drops where it is placed under the tongue. As such, it enters the bloodstream without necessarily going into the digestive system.

Overview of CBD Cream

There are several topical formats that come from CBD including CBD creams. These creams are normally made with the oils extracted from cannabis or hemp plant after which it is infused with some topical base. In the same way as CBD oil formats, the CBD creams are going to interact with the ECS’s CB2 receptors providing pain relief.

There is a difference between CBD creams and some other ointments or salves when it comes to texture, consistency, and even potencies. For example, the ointments are somehow thicker and are more potent when it comes to CBD content. On the other hand, creams come in a loose consistency where most of them are water-based.

As opposed to CBD oils, creams are normally applied directly onto the site of pain. After that, it will be absorbed by the skin for it to take effect.

Pain relief effectiveness of both

There are so many CBD oil benefits but the main one is pain relief. Both CBD oil and cream take effect after interacting with your body’s ECS which comprises cannabinoid receptors. The receptors exist all over the body where the ECS activates them.

CBD has the ability to mic activities of the endocannabinoids which are produced naturally in your body. It is the endocannabinoid system that is responsible for regulating different body responses among them pain control. When CBD is consumed, it takes up the role of endocannabinoids to relieve pain.

As opposed to CBD oil, CBD cream will not enter the bloodstream. It however penetrates the CB2 receptors only in the affected region. When you are in pain, you will be needed to get the best CBD cream for pain and apply it to that area with a gentle massage. The good thing about these creams is that they arrive in different scents.

Are there any side effects?

Provided that you are buying CBD products from a reputable brand, you can expect to get products that are free from THC. However, you can experience some mild side effects such as a dry mouth. If this happens, you will only be needed to drink so much water. The important thing for you to do is consult a physician before trying out CBD products.

So Which one is the best for me

This is a common question that people often ask themselves. Given the fact that CBD oil enters directly into the bloodstream, it is clear enough that this would be the best bet. It is ideal for those people who want something strong that will also produce results as fast as possible.

On the other hand, topical CBD is very good for mild pains like muscle tweaks. This however does not mean that you cannot combine both of them. For instance, if you use the best CBD salve for pain together with CBD oil, you will get ultimate relaxation and heal quickly.

How can you buy them at present?

When buying these products, it is important to consider the level of THC they contain. These products are readily available online if they have been legalized in your state. It is therefore very easy to buy CBD cream online for instance. It is however very important that you do your research before proceeding to purchase. The products are also available in dispensaries and stores for the states where their use is legalized.

Bottom Line

Both CBD oil and CBD cream have some very promising results in relieving pain. Each one of them has its own benefits in terms of pain relief regardless of the source of pain. Ultimately, the choice of the format one wants will mainly depend on the preference of the user.

Regardless of the product, you decide to use, you will definitely get the results you desire. They are both ideal for combating pain. However, if you are looking to get quick results, CBD oil will be the right product for you. This is because it goes directly to the bloodstream.


You also could be interested to read about CBD for dogs and how it benefits your pets.