Charlie Webster leads backlash against Germaine Greer’s rape comments

Sky Sports presenter Charlie Webster is leading the backlash against Germaine Greer’s comment that ‘most rape is just bad sex’ by recounting her own rape story.

The 35-year-old hit back at the controversial feminist on Thursday, writing on Twitter: ‘I will also happily tell you Germaine Greer about how I was repeatedly sexually abused as a teenager and tell you all about what it did to me.’

Miss Greer, 79, insisted on Wednesday that most rape is just ‘bad sex’ and poured scorn on the idea that victims can suffer from post-traumatic stress. 

She also said the majority of rapists should have an ‘R’ tattooed on their cheek and be made to do community service.

Ms Webster wasn’t the only one outraged by Greer, as others took to Twitter to say Greer’s remarks were ‘one of the most dangerous, ignorant things’ ever said.

Germaine Greer

Sky Sports presenter Charlie Webster (left) is leading the backlash against Germaine Greer’s (right) comment that ‘most rape is just bad sex’ by recounting her own rape story

Sky Sports presenter Charlie Webster led the backlash against Miss Greer for her comments 

Sky Sports presenter Charlie Webster led the backlash against Miss Greer for her comments 

Miss Webster continued in her scathing tweet: [I will] introduce you to some people both female and male survivors who will make you realise how ignorant and damaging your comments are.’ 

In another tweet she wrote: ‘Rape is NOT trivial. Survivors PLEASE know your feelings are REAL & validated. It causes deep psychological trauma. 

‘The psychological impact far worse than the physical & longer lasting, especially in children & those abused repeatedly.’

In 2015, Webster revealed she was raped by her running coach when she was 15 years old.  The man was later jailed for 10 years. 

She told Radio 5 in an interview at the time: ‘I got quite close to the running coach because you do.

‘You start to trust them when you’re a young kid and he started to take me for a few private sessions because he said I was good and I could do with some extra sessions because that would really help.

‘He took me into a private situation where no one else was … and then he abused my trust, and he abused the fact that I was an innocent person who wanted his support and his compassion and his care as my running coach.’  

She added: ‘You should never touch a young girl anyway, but he very, very manipulatively and very slowly sexually assaulted me.

‘It doesn’t matter how many times, [but] it happened, it happened a couple of times. You don’t realise, well I didn’t realise it was happening, because you trust that person and that trust is built up.’

‘I didn’t understand. I really lacked confidence. I didn’t know what he was doing was wrong.

‘Not one time in my head did I think: ”I’m being sexually assaulted”, because if I did, I would have done something about it.’ 

Other people took to Twitter to admonish Greer. 

Twitter user Amy added: ‘That entire Germaine Greer article is honestly one of the most dangerous, ignorant things I have ever read. I refuse to even link it & help spread it.

‘Forcing yourself inside a woman’s body will ALWAYS be violent. To all survivors, your pain is real, you deserve justice.’

Amy Hartman said: ‘Just bc you were a feminist 20yrs ago doesn’t mean you’re one today. Germaine Greer is proof of that. I appreciate the work you may have done in the past but it’s time to step down. The meaning of feminism has grown & changed just like everything else. Grow with it or get out.’

Beenish remarked: ‘Has #GermaineGreer officially lost it? Can someone explain WHY we were made to study her literature as part of so-called ‘feminism’ in school?!’

Rachel McGovern wrote: ‘I actually can’t recomment that you rad this because it’s so utterly insensitive. However, if people like Germaine Gree adopt this position and aren’t challenged, what hope have we all of putting rape culture behind us.’

Germaine Greer, 79 (pictured at the Hay Festival in Wales today) has said she doesn't believe rape is a spectacularly violent crime and it mostly 'bad sex'

Germaine Greer, 79 (pictured at the Hay Festival in Wales today) has said she doesn’t believe rape is a spectacularly violent crime and it mostly ‘bad sex’

And Matt James added: ‘I think Germaine Greer has finally lost whatever was left of her marbles.’ 

Miss Greer told the Hay Festival: ‘Most rapes don’t involve any injury whatsoever. We are told it’s one of the most violent crimes in the world – bull****.

But last night former Cabinet minister Priti Patel called Miss Greer’s views ‘sickening’. 

She said: ‘These comments are an affront to the victims of appalling crimes such as rape. We should have zero tolerance of sexual violence.’ 

And one audience member at Hay, Sherry Pack, said she was so outraged she had to leave. 

‘Dreadful ramblings by Germaine Greer … I’m usually happy to listen to opinions different to my own but today after around 20 minutes I had to walk out,’ she said.

Miss Greer said: ‘Most rape is just lazy, just careless, just insensitive. 

‘Every time a man rolls over on his exhausted wife and insists on enjoying his conjugal right, he is raping her. It will never end up in a court of law.

‘Instead of thinking of rape as a spectacularly violent crime – and some rapes are – think about it as non-consensual, that is, bad sex. 

‘Sex where there is no communication, no tenderness, no mention of love.’

When asked what would be an appropriate punishment for men found guilty of rape, she said: ‘Two hundred hours of community service would do me. 

‘I have suggested maybe a little tattoo would be a good thing, maybe an R on your hand. I’d prefer it on the cheek really.’

The Australian author said she knew she risked the wrath of feminists when she admitted that after she was raped at a party days before her 19th birthday, she had not been ‘angry enough’ with her attacker, a rugby-playing public schoolboy. 

She said she had been ‘violently raped about as badly as it is possible to be raped if you take in the number of punches’.

She added: ‘I was beaten half unconscious. I kept saying ‘No’ so he hit me, I can’t tell you how many times, maybe a dozen.’ 

But she did not report the man to police because she believed it would have been a waste of time – although he went on to rape at least one other woman.

‘If I had appeared in a police station and complained against this man I would have wasted many, many, many hours, I would have been discredited and everyone would have known my ugly little story that I have shared with you,’ she told the audience.

The author is pictured in 1970, two years after she was raped. Her book On Rape is out soon 

The author is pictured in 1970, two years after she was raped. Her book On Rape is out soon 

She was ‘determined to get over it and not go around for the rest of my life being a rapee’. 

‘Feminists would tear my head off for saying this. My feeling when it happened to me was … something awful has happened to him, was he abused as a child? I still don’t feel angry enough and I feel ashamed in another way.’

Miss Greer, who has courted controversy since the publication of her first book, The Female Eunuch, in 1970, was speaking at Hay to publicise her forthcoming book On Rape. 

In it, she argues that the crime of rape should be abolished and in its place the assault law be expanded to include sex offences in varying degrees of gravity.

These offences would carry lesser penalties but would require a lower burden of proof concerning consent. 

Miss Greer also appeared to question whether rape victims can suffer from PTSD and said a ‘narrative of victimising women’ meant they ‘wanted to believe they were badly hurt’. 

‘The official position now is that 70 per cent of rape victims suffer from PTSD and only 20 per cent of war veterans,’ she said. 

‘What the hell are you saying? That something that leaves no sign, no injury, no nothing is more damaging to women than seeing your best friend blown up?

‘We don’t get as badly hurt as you want to believe, you want us to believe that we’ve been destroyed but we haven’t been destroyed we’ve been annoyed.’

She also renewed her criticism of the MeToo campaign, saying it would be ‘extraordinary if it makes any difference at all’. 

The only ones who will benefit from putting Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein on trial are lawyers, she said.

Some of Germaine Greer’s most controversial quotes  

  • Female Genital Mutilation is like getting a tattoo

Greer said: ‘I would never dream of telling people who are disfiguring a perfectly beautiful human body with bad drawing that they have no right to do that.’

She echoed those comments in her 1999 book The Whole Woman when she argued banning the practice, widespread in Africa, was ‘an attack on cultural identity.    

  • Transgender people are delusional 

Greer’s stance on transgender people has long been controversial. 

The author once wrote: ‘Nowadays we are all likely to meet people who think they are women, have women’s names, and feminine clothes and lots of eyeshadow, who seem to us to be some kind of ghastly parody, though it isn’t polite to say so. 

‘We pretend that all the people passing for female really are. 

‘Other delusions may be challenged, but not a man’s delusion that he is female.’

She also been recently quoted saying transgender people are not women ‘just because they’ve had their d***s loped off’. 

  • Meghan Markle isn’t allowed to shine because she’s being held back by Kate 

Before the Royal Wedding Greer said Meghan Markle was being stunted by her new sister-in-law. 

She said: ‘I don’t think she will bolt before the wedding. I think she will bolt after. Most of the royal spouses bolt eventually.’

The Australian also referred to one of Meghan’s Philip Tracey hats as a ‘cow turd hat’ and said it is only a matter of time before the Duchess of Sussex leaves her new Duke. 

  • Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin’s death was an act of ‘revenge’ 

After Steve Irwin died after being stung by a stringray in 2006, Greer wrote in a column: ‘The animal world has finally taken its revenge on Irwin.’ 

She added ‘A parrot once did its best to rip his nose off his face. 

‘Parrots are a lot smarter than crocodiles.’ 

  • Princess Diana was the worst f*** in the country

Speaking in September 2017, Greer said she wouldn’t have liked the late Princess of Wales if she were still alive.

She added: ‘What would the tally be of the men who had dumped her by that stage? 

‘It would be 40 or 50 probably, worst f*** in the county by all accounts.’ 

  • #Metoo movement is just ‘whinging’ 

This year the Australian author has slammed the #Metoo movement and has claimed alleged rape or sexual assault victims of Harvey Weinstein should ‘stop whinging’. 

  • Australia’s first ever female Prime Minister has a fat ‘a***’

Speaking in 2012, Greer said that Julia Gillard, Australia’s first female ever Prime Minister wore unflattering clothes and commented: ‘You’ve got a big a*** Julia. Just get on with it.’

She added: ‘You don’t understand how tough it is for little girls who think that having a fat a*** is to be dead, is to be finished.’