- Hardened Russian rejects pleas of the animal to pinch some of his caught fish
- But heartwarming video shows how the ‘audacious’ fox charms his way to a meal
- The angler finally hands over a capelin, telling the animal he is ‘handsome’
This is the enchanting moment a polar fox charmed his way to a free fish supper from a Russian angler.
The tough Siberian was catching capelin through a hole in the frozen Arctic sea when he was approached by the wild animal.
He can be heard repeatedly rejecting the fox’s pleas, as it begs to snatch part of his catch.
‘What are you doing,’ he says. ‘Why are you so daring? Aren’t you daring? Aren’t you bold? What are you doing? You mustn’t be that audacious.’
Not seeming to understand the meaning of the word ‘nyet’, the animal persists and approaches the shallow pool in which the angler has placed puts his caught fish.
The arctic fox appears to dance at the pool’s edge, charming the Siberian angler into handing over some fish

Having won over the angler, the arctic fox takes a capelin from the hole as the man relents despite his previous willpower

The arctic fox finally charms his way to a full stomach, making off with the fish gifted him by the angler
The angler says: ‘This is my capelin. I am telling you this is my fish. Mine. The ice hole is mine and the fish is mine.’
But his willpower is finally overcome when the fox appears to dance on his front paws at the edge of hole and he remarks: ‘Aren’t you handsome?’
He allows him to take one fish, which the famished fox immediately eats before finally retreating.