Climber inundated with hate messages when abandons his dog

A climber has been bombarded with hate messages after he abandoned his elderly dog – who has now been found dead – on a Scottish mountain when she collapsed during a hike.

Paul Finnegan, of Shotts in North Lanarkshire, Scotland, was walking along the 3,074ft Beinn Sgulaird mountain when his Border Collie, Meg, lost the use of her legs.

The owner made the heartbreaking decision to leave the 12-year-old pet behind after he and his friend struggled to carry her against the horrendous wind and rain.

Paul Finnegan, of Shotts in North Lanarkshire, Scotland, was walking along the 3,074ft Beinn Sgulaird mountain when his Border Collie, Meg (pictured), lost the use of her legs

A relative of Paul’s said that ‘he had no other option but to leave her’ as the weather continued to worsen.

Mountain Rescue experts placed no blame on Paul for deciding to take the beloved pet up the mountain and sympathised with the position he was left in.

Yet plenty of social media users disagreed and have questioned the owner’s ‘poor judgement’. 

Morag McNeill lashed out at Paul on Facebook, writing: ‘I am actually raging and sad at the same time. I am naming and shaming this absolute a******. 

‘Paul Finnegan from Shotts, took his border collie Meg up Beinn Sgulaird at the weekend. She got tired and her legs gave way, she’s 12, and he left her up there to die.

The owner made the heartbreaking decision to leave the 12-year-old pet behind after he and his friend struggled to carry her against the horrendous wind and rain

A relative of Paul's said that 'he had no other option but to leave her' as the weather continued to worsen

The owner (pictured) made the heartbreaking decision to leave the 12-year-old pet behind after he and his friend struggled to carry her against the horrendous wind and rain

Mountain Rescue experts placed no blame on Paul for deciding to take the beloved pet up the mountain and sympathised with the position he was left in

‘Anybody who knows him please tell him what a vile person he is. He doesn’t deserve the love of a dog.’ 

Heidi Blasius wrote: ‘Poor judgment and not a lick of common sense. Failed this dog.’

Another commented: ‘How on earth can anyone walk away from their pet and just leave it? I would move heaven and earth and always find SOME way to rescue my dog if needed, she’s more important than me. Animals rely on their owners to look after them, how can you just walk away?’

Karen Mills was equally disgusted: ‘Every time I read something on Missing Megs group I get more and more angry towards the owner.

‘That poor dog would never of left his side if it was him that was hurt. He should be prosecuted for abandonment and neglect. K*******!’

Yet plenty of social media users disagreed and have questioned the owner's 'poor judgement'.

Yet plenty of social media users disagreed and have questioned the owner’s ‘poor judgement’.

Morag McNeill lashed out at Paul on Facebook, writing: 'I am actually raging and sad at the same time. 'I am naming and shaming this absolute a******'

Morag McNeill lashed out at Paul on Facebook, writing: ‘I am actually raging and sad at the same time. ‘I am naming and shaming this absolute a******’

Dorothy Dot Marshall commented: ‘It was an act of pure cruelty. It is against the law to let any animal suffer, only a coward would do that.’

And Emma Hardy wrote: ‘I can’t believe the amount of people defending the heartless s***, people are risking their lives to try to find her and he’s just going about his usual week.’

Yet relatives hit back at the scathing comments, imploring people to understand how difficult the decision was to make.

Family member Holli McGowan said: ‘Paul never left Meg for dead. Paul had no signal and tried his hardest to carry her. Between him and his friend he carried her for as long as possible while falling and fighting against the wind and rain.

‘Paul went to get help, so please until you know the full story, stop listening to people’s bulls because I am sick to the back teeth of hearing so many nasty comments.’ 

Meg was left on January 14 but volunteers have now announced that the elderly dog was found dead by her owner.

Posting on Facebook, ‎Mikey Doc McManus‎ said: ‘It is with great sadness and a heavy heart, that I share my last update, that Meg is no longer with us. 

‘The owner and his friend set out on foot to their last know location from that fateful night and I received a simple message from them stating they had found Meg and it wasn’t good news.’  

A relative of Paul’s first posted on Lost Dogs Glasgow on January 15 and said: ‘My family member was up Beinn Sgulaird mountain yesterday with his dog. His dog’s back legs gave way and he tried everything to get her off safe but it was too dangerous with the weather and it was getting dark, so he had no other option but to leave her.

Meg has been missing since January 14. A relative of Paul's posted on Lost Dogs Glasgow the following day (pictured)

Meg has been missing since January 14. A relative of Paul’s posted on Lost Dogs Glasgow the following day (pictured)

Border collie Meg was abandoned on the 3,074ft  Beinn Sgulaird mountain (pictured) amid atrocious weather conditions after she became lame

Border collie Meg was abandoned on the 3,074ft  Beinn Sgulaird mountain (pictured) amid atrocious weather conditions after she became lame

‘He came off the mountain and slept in his car till first light and tried to go up and find her, but can’t find her, as it was too dark last night they can’t remember where she is.’

Not every response has been negative and dozens of volunteers helped search Beinn Sgulaird. 

A crowdfunding page was set up to help fuel those searching and has smashed the original target of £500 by more than double the amount.

Volunteers say the money will be ‘put to good use in the spirit of the walkers and dog owners that have selflessly spent their money and sent their well wishes’.  

Andy Ravenhill, Oban Mountain Rescue Team Leader, said that the criticism levelled at the dog owner was harsh.

He added: ‘It wasn’t the right choice or wrong choice. No one can really tell what they would do in that situation until they are in it. 

‘It would have been a really hard decision to make, and he will just have to live with it either way.’