It’s not advice people would expect to hear.
But residents of Colombia’s Santa Marta have been told to abstain from sex during the city’s sweltering heatwave.
Julio Salas, the local health secretary, announced his eyebrow-raising advice on Thursday as the mercury nudged 40 degrees celsius.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, he was greeted by a mixture of ‘laughter and disbelief’, according to reports.
Abstinence: Julio Salas, the local health secretary, announced his eyebrow-raising advice on Thursday as the mercury nudged 40 degrees celsius
Hilariously, Mr Salas said if people struggle to control themselves, they should at least wait until night time as ‘it is better to do it at night when the ambient temperature is lower.’
But he added: ‘If you have a good air conditioning, there is no problem.’
The unconventional guidance was offered alongside a number of other temperature-reducing tips, including staying hydrated and wearing loose-fitting clothing.
Salas’ suggestions were prompted after local medical facilities were ‘overwhelmed’ by patients complaining of heat-related conditions, such as heat stroke and sunburn.
Located in the Caribbean Sea, the 600,000-strong port typically enjoys warm summers, but this year’s has exceeded forecasts.
The heatwave, which began in June, will continue for the coming weeks, with temperatures consistently hovering above 30 degrees celsius.

Demand: Salas’ suggestions were prompted after local medical facilities were ‘overwhelmed’ by patients complaining of heat-related conditions, such as heat stroke and sunburn
According to the American Heart Association, sex is only a moderate physical activity, causing as much strain as walking up two flights of stairs.
From burning calories to boosting the immune system and even fighting the signs of ageing, numerous studies reveal regular love making seriously boosts people’s wellbeing.
Sex is even a natural painkiller and could help combat insomnia, according to California-based doctor, Sherry Ross.
Specifically, a study by Indiana University found women with healthy sex lives produce higher levels of antibodies, which fight off infections.
‘Regular sex makes for a stronger immune system, fighting off common illnesses such as colds and having less sick days from work,’ Dr Ross said.
‘Sex also helps lower your blood pressure and lowers your risk of heart attacks.’