Comedian Chris Ramsey reveals his wife Rosie suffered a miscarriage

Comedian Chris Ramsey and his wife Rosie have suffered a miscarriage.

In a message reposted by her husband, Rosie shared the news on herInstagram page on Monday morning, writing that at their 12 week scan the baby could not be found as she was diagnosed with a missed miscarriage.

The couple, who married in 2014, are parents to a son called Robin. 

Loss: Comedian Chris Ramsey and his wife Rosie have had a miscarriage. The star’s wife shared the news on her Instagram page on Monday morning, writing that at their 12 week scan the baby

‘Good morning. Apologies for our silence across our social media’s this week, it’s safe to say we’ve had a pretty shi**y one,’ social media star Rosie began the message.

‘Last week we thought we would be sharing some lovely news with you all but sadly that was not to be. 

‘When we went for our 12 week scan our baby could not be found. He or she had passed early on in the pregnancy leaving behind the pregnancy sac, this is called a Blighted Ovum. (missed miscarriage).’

Surgery: Rosie went on to write that she was told she needed to have a 'miscarriage to rid my body of the sac, placenta etc,' as she shared a photo of her hospital stay

Surgery: Rosie went on to write that she was told she needed to have a ‘miscarriage to rid my body of the sac, placenta etc,’ as she shared a photo of her hospital stay

‘My body still thought I was pregnant for all those weeks after the baby had passed, hormones were released and everything apart from the baby was still growing.

I’d never heard of this before so as you can imagine it all came as a great shock.’

Rosie went on to write that the trauma didn’t end there as she was told she needed to have a ‘miscarriage to rid my body of the sac, placenta etc.’ 

Alongside a photo of herself resting with a hot drink in hospital, Rosie wrote: 

‘I was admitted into hospital a few days later to start the procedure. It was awful. Cramping, vomiting, fainting, fever, really just not nice. After 5 rounds of tablets over a course of 20 or so hours the doctors told me it hadn’t worked as effectively as they’d hoped.’ 

Family: Chris, 32, ¿ who is the host of The Chris Ramsey show ¿ shared her post and praised her, writing: 'This it says it all. She's been a warrior'

Family: Chris, 32, – who is the host of The Chris Ramsey show – shared her post and praised her, writing: ‘This it says it all. She’s been a warrior’

‘I was then taken to surgery to have everything removed. It is now finally all over.’

Rosie, who admitted she was unsure about sharing the news online but wants to help others by sharing, ended her message by admitting it will take time for the coupe to come to terms with their loss: 

‘I feel emotionally and physically exhausted. I have so much sympathy for other couples who have/are going through this as I never knew it entailed so much heartache.’

The mum shared that their son Robin has been ‘wonderful through it all and we feel so blessed to have him in our lives.’

Message: Both Chris and Rosie shared the above quote alongside their news 

Message: Both Chris and Rosie shared the above quote alongside their news 

Chris, 32, – who is the host of The Chris Ramsey show – shared her post and praised her, writing: ‘This it says it all. She’s been a warrior.’ 

He later shared an update on his Instagram stories, revealing Rosie is ‘doing fine’ before offering support to other men who had been through a miscarriage, writing:

‘Thanks so much for all of your messages. It really means the world. Rosie is doing fine and is such a legend. It’s affected us both emotionally but it’s been such a physical drain on her too.’

‘Nature can be a cruel c**t sometimes. It’s astounding how many people this has happened to. You’re all absolutely incredible.’

‘Big love to all the men who’ve been through this. You don’t have to suffer in silence. Thanks again. Normal service will resume soon xxx.’

Blessing: Rosie shared that their four-year-old son Robin has been 'wonderful through it all and we feel so blessed to have him in our lives'

Blessing: Rosie shared that their four-year-old son Robin has been ‘wonderful through it all and we feel so blessed to have him in our lives’

What causes a ‘blighted ovum’? 

Miscarriage happens for many reasons and a ‘blighted ovum’ is one description given to a pregnancy loss where the baby stopped growing very early on and either never developed to a point where it could be seen on scan, or over time it was absorbed, leaving just the pregnancy sac.

There are no particular implications for this type of miscarriage as compared to other ones where bleeding is more common or an embryo is clearly identified.

Miscarriage happens most often because there was a mismatch of the genetic material at the time of conception – due to nothing more than bad luck.

Unfortunately human reproduction is actually quite inefficient and up to half of conceptions will never make it.

The important thing you need to remember is that it wasn’t your fault. You don’t miscarry because you were overactive, didn’t rest enough or were stressed.

It wasn’t the bottle of wine before you knew you were pregnant. It’s just down to bad luck. Most women who have a miscarriage go on to have a healthy pregnancy next time.

If miscarriage happens early on, then you often don’t need to have an operation (D&C) to clear things away. Nature will sort it out either when you are bleeding or at the next period. It is safe to start trying again once you feel emotionally ready.