For a comedian with a delightfully weird streak, taking a new driver’s license photo isn’t about looking as attractive as possible — it’s about finding the comedic angle.
Los Angeles-based comic Jono Zalay recently had to update his license, and he knew he’d need a new picture to go with it. But instead of combing his hair and wearing a nice shirt, he decided to show up to the DMV dressed as an ’80s punk rocker — something he definitely is not.
The 31-year-old explained that he has actually dressed up as a new character for every license photo he’s taken, and shared several years’ worth of funny IDs on Twitter.
All the same guy! Los Angeles-based comic Jono Zalay dresses up as a new character every time he needs to take a picture for a state ID

And another one… Recently, the 31-year-old moved back to California after living in another state, and he had to get a new licesnse

Ultimate dad joke: He said that his whole family takes similarly odd pictures for IDs, a tradition that started with his father

In on it: His brother’s most recent license photo makes him look like a ’60s hippie

Up-to-date: The 31-year-old has lived in several different states as an adult, so he has had a handful of different IDs
On January 9, he posted a thread on Twitter explaining the long-running joke that led to his funny new ID.
‘My family has a tradition of being officially documented by the government as characters, because they [the government] don’t know we’re not those people. My dad started this tradition in the 70s.’
It’s continued on with the next generation — including with Zalay’s brother. The comedian shared his sibling’s most recent ID picture, which shows a man with a bushy beard, long unkempt hair, and wild eyes (which is, presumably, not his usual look).
Zalay has taken several photos of his own over the last decade and a half, as he moved around to different states including New York, Massachusetts, and California. He is unrecognizable in nearly every photo, having taken on a new look and persona in each one.
In one, he has a chinstrap and cornrows, and has arranged his face in a menacing glare. In another, he has spiked hair and a fu manchu mustache, and in a third he has a mullet and wears a tank top.

Real life: This is what he actually looks like now — but that’s not what is ID would indicate

Dedication: For his most recent photo, he headed to a salon to get his hair done

Committed to the prank: He blacked his hair and died the ends bright red

ID anarchy! He then had them spiked and the sides of his head shaved to look like a punk
Having recently moved back to California, Zalay needed a new ID — and a new look — so he headed to a salon for a transformation.
‘I wanted to take advantage of my relatively longer hair and lack of mustache, but my idea would need a lot of steps to transform this wholesome young boy,’ he said.
At the salon, his brown hair was bleached platinum. The ends were dipped in bright red dye, and then styled up into two spikes on either side of his head.
The stylist then shaved around the sides of his head, giving Zalay a hardcore ’80s punk look — which the comedian played up with a fake septum ring, a spiked collar, a single cross earrings, and a leather jacket covered in patches.
When he then showed up to get his new license, he was ready for his close-up.
‘When processing my paperwork, the DMV employee comments, “Well you’re gonna need a new photo, you look nothing like your last California ID,”‘ he said, referencing the hillbilly mullet look from an ID that expired in 2006.

When he went to the DMV, an employee noticed how different he looked from his last photo (pictured) and told him he needed to take a new one

Unrecognizable: He said he’s not actually a punk in real life — but considering he is ‘pranking’ the government, he feels pretty punk after all

Tough guy: The DMV employee would not let him snarl his lip in the photo but he tried to give some attitude anyway

He is expected the ID in the mail, but in the meantime he shared a posed photo of himself

Note: He ended his thread by pointing out that he could get away with this easily because he is a ‘white guy,’ but someone else would likely run into trouble
He did not say whether the DMV employee seemed to expect a prank, or if he simply thought that Zalay had undergone a major life transformation in the past decade.
‘Unfortunately, when taking the official photo the picture person doesn’t let me snarl my lip. But I’m snarling them with my eyes,’ he said of the new photo of his punk character.
‘I got a punk drivers license even tho I am NOT a punk, but it is a prank on the lame government so technically I AM a punk?!’ he joked.
Finally, he added: ‘Also I acknowledge this is only something a white guy can do. I think that is tragic and want every person regardless of race, religion, or gender to have this frivolous of a relationship with people who check their IDs.’
Though he still waiting two weeks for his new ID to come in the mail, he did share photos of all of his ‘looks’ over the years, which Twitter users have delighted in.
Since lat Tuesday night, the tweet showing a collage of all of his IDs has earned over 3,200 likes.