Common Breastfeeding Concerns

Surprising Complications

Breastfeeding is natural and good for both mother and child, but there are things that can happen that make the process complicated. Many mothers have no problems with breastfeeding. Many mothers have notable issues.

Don’t feel like you’re an anomaly if you’re experiencing breastfeeding issues. Following we’ll briefly explore several common breastfeeding concerns, and provide a few suggestions to help you consider the best way to overcome them.

Failure To Latch

Babies don’t always figure out how to “latch” right away. Mothers are often quite weak after a delivery—especially if it was an arduous birth. Aligning the baby and the breast for proper latching can sometimes be difficult.

Also, there are reasons why a baby might not latch. Sometimes it’s that engorged breasts are too “hard” for the baby to get a latch on. Getting some help from consultants can be wise to help you figure out what’s going on, and how to make things work as they should. There is usually a reason that can be addressed.

Little Or No Milk Production

Personal health problems can reduce milk production. An anorexic mother may well have trouble producing milk, as her body is in survival mode. This is an illustrative reason why milk production may lag, but there are a number of possible issues that can lead to this.

A Clogged Milk Duct

Did you know a clogged milk duct can lead to breastfeeding issues? This is more common than many mothers realize, and there are things that can be done to help you overcome the issue; just follow the link for some resources on that.

Extreme Fatigue After Each Feeding

For an adult male, a good workout will be 400 to 500 calories over the space of a half-hour. During breastfeeding, your body burns between 500 and 700 calories a day just making milk. The baby extracts a few hundred calories, your body replaces them. That’s going to wear anybody out!

You should expect to be a little worn out or fatigued after you breastfeed. Many mothers fall asleep with their newborn cuddled up next to them after feeding, and that’s one of the reasons why. If you’re going to keep on getting things done in addition to the primary task of protecting and nourishing your child, you need to give your body the proper “fuel”.

Convenience And Discomfort

One of the biggest issues with breastfeeding is going to be how inconvenient the act can be, how uncomfortable it can be, and how to handle these two unpleasant realities. Your baby will be hungry sometimes when you least expect it.

For the most part, there will be a “schedule” your baby follows without realizing it. At about the same time every day, he or she will be hungry. Sometimes your own personal schedule is in a spot where this doesn’t quite work. For example, you might be in public, and the baby starts crying for some nourishment.

Well, you’ll want to have nursing clothes that are designed to make breastfeeding easy. Getting that wardrobe in advance is wise. Additionally, you may want to have some sort of breast pump and bottle arrangement available to contend with pain. Some infants are born with one or two teeth, and that can make breastfeeding a nightmare.

Overcoming Common Concerns

Discomfort and inconvenience are common issues of breastfeeding. So are fatigue, clogged milk ducts, reduced milk production, and latching problems. If you’re contending with problems like this, or others not listed here, don’t feel bad. Though breastfeeding is natural and straightforward, it can have complications.

Provided you’ve got some sort of breastfeeding consultation solution on which to lean, and a good family support network, you’ll be able to work through this. Remember, breastfeeding is good for you and the baby. As with anything “good”, there’s likely going to be some level of challenge.