- Commuters reported seeing kangaroo hopping along Sydney Harbour Bridge
- The marsupial was seen bouncing on the bridge and then the Cahill Expressway
- Traffic management company said kangaroo went into the Botanical Gardens
- Did you see or film the animal? Email: samuel.duncan@mailonline.com
Early morning commuters were treated to a very Australian sight on Tuesday morning – a kangaroo on the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Drivers reported seeing the animal hopping down the road on the bridge before getting on the Cahill Expressway over Circular Quay.
The iconic marsupial was spotted at about 5am, before a police car escort it off the bridge.
Early morning commuters were treated to a very Australian sight on Tuesday morning – a kangaroo on the Sydney Harbour Bridge (stock image)
‘I was driving along the Harbour Bridge, I’m slowing down to 40 when I see a kangaroo just sitting there, it was pretty small, might have been a wallaby,’ Jesse told 2GB.
Another listener named Ray said: ‘There was a little rock kangaroo in the middle of the road just minding its own business with a police care there with flashing lights.’
Other callers reported seeing the kangaroo, and described it as being small and about halfway up to the top of a car in height.
‘There was a police car following it at a slow pace, it was hopping down the street, that’s Australia for you!’ said Dean.
The traffic management company said the marsupial bounded into the Botanical Gardens.

Drivers reported seeing a kangaroo hopping its way down the road on the bridge before getting on the Cahill Expressway over Circular Quay (stock image)