Convicted murderer and former bikie boss calls for ceasefire between Sydney’s warring bikie gangs

Convicted killer and former bikie boss Moudi Tajjour has taken to social media with a passionate plea for a ceasefire between warring bikie gang members.

The former Nomads vice president who became the youngest ever member of the club in the late 1990s has called for gang rivals to swap their guns for a cup of coffee.

Tajjour’s friend and former Comancheros former national president Mick Hawi was fatally gunned down outside a gym in Sydney’s south in February.

Having given up his involvement in day-to-day gang life last year to focus on his business pursuits, the self-proclaimed ‘Lebanese gangster Doctor Phil’ took toInstagram on Sunday with some words of advice.

Former bike boss Moudi Tajjour (pictured) sees himself as a ‘Lebanese gangster Doctor Phil’ these days

Tajjour (pictured right) was briefly married to Salim Mehajer's younger sister Sanaa (left)

Tajjour (pictured right) was briefly married to Salim Mehajer’s younger sister Sanaa (left)

He took to Instagram on Sunday with some words of advice (pictured) to warring bikie gang members

He took to Instagram on Sunday with some words of advice (pictured) to warring bikie gang members

‘My words of wisdom is this, don’t go to war over pathetic rubbish that could’ve been sorted with one sit down over a coffee,’ Tajjour posted to his 29,400 followers.

‘Life’s to short to be killing each over over nothing f**k that I rather be making money and chilling beside some beautiful women somewhere rather than to be warring over stupid s**t.’

A photo of a jail cell is attached to Tajjour’s lengthy post.

The Nomads life member served four years in prison over the manslaughter of Robin Nassour, the brother of Fat Pizza actor George Nassour.

He was convicted in 2006 alongside his brother Sleiman Simon Tajjour, before their western Sydney home was targeted in a drive by shooting a little more than a year after their release. 

Moudi (right) in his Nomads bikie days, pictured with his brother Sleiman (back) and their cousin Michael Ibrahim (front), the brother of Kings Cross nightclub owner John

Moudi (right) in his Nomads bikie days, pictured with his brother Sleiman (back) and their cousin Michael Ibrahim (front), the brother of Kings Cross nightclub owner John

‘If you can’t handle being in a confined room for more then 23 hours I suggest you put the gun down mannnnnnnn cause this ain’t a joke my brothers out there playing gangsters and god with people’s lives,’ Tajjour wrote on Sunday.

‘You’re not gonna find it cool when your desire for a reputation puts you 23 hours locked down. Is it really worth it over some gronk who is talking s**t or some sad c**t who wants beef.’

Tajjour joined the Nomads as a ‘nominee’ at the age of 15 and had to wait 16 months before becoming a fully fledged member.

Moudi and brother Sleiman (right) stepped down from their respective roles in Nomads last year

Moudi and brother Sleiman (right) stepped down from their respective roles in Nomads last year

He became a right-hand man to national president, his older brother Sleiman before the pair stepped down late last year.

Tajjour recently made headlines over his volatile and short lived marriage to Salim Mehajer’s younger sister Sanaa, which ended on their honeymoon in Thailand.

In an interview with Daily Mail Australia in April, Tajjour slammed modern-day bikies, saying they prefer to ‘buy’ new members rather than make them earn their colours.

‘I’ve been in the club since I was 15 and now I’m 34 so I’ve seen the life change a new generation,’ Tajjour said.

‘There was no rivalry or violence back in the day, there was just respect. Don’t open in my area obviously but you can come over and we’ll welcome you with open hands. We’d invite you to parties, have you over to the clubhouse for dinner.’

Moudi Tajjour (right) married Salim Mehajer's younger sister Sanaa (left) last December. The marriage ended on their honeymoon in Thailand

Moudi Tajjour (right) married Salim Mehajer’s younger sister Sanaa (left) last December. The marriage ended on their honeymoon in Thailand

Tajjour told Daily Mail Australia a recent spate of shootings involving rival MCs in Sydney was a bad look.

‘The new generation, these youngsters, have got a new mentality. They’re trigger happy and have no education, and actually think joining a gang means you’ve got to be the baddest guy in Sydney,’he said.

‘I’m not going to go and kill someone just because they’re part of a different gang.

‘We used to ride every weekend. We’d take our sleeping bags out tied onto the front of the bike and sleep on the side of the freeway.

‘It’s not about riding with your mates or going on a bender, it’s all about dramas. You don’t ride bikes anymore – it’s a f**king joke.’