A 15-year-old was shot multiple times by police after he allegedly opened fire at a memorial for gun-violence victims in Queens on Friday night. The handgun above was found near the wounded teen
A 15-year-old boy was shot multiple times by police after he allegedly opened fire at a memorial for gun-violence victims in Queens.
Cops were dispersing a large disorderly group at a barbecue in Far Rockaway late Friday evening when the teen began firing off rounds.
‘The officers engaged the male and gave him verbal commands to drop the gun,’ NYPD Chief David Barrere said in a press conference Saturday.
‘The officers then fired at the male, striking him several times.’
The teen, whose name is being withheld because he is a minor, has been charged with attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and criminal use of a firearm.
He was rushed to the hospital in stable condition.

The teen, whose name is being withheld because he is a minor, has been charged with attempted murder, criminal possession of a weapon and criminal use of a firearm, NYPD Chief David Barrere said in a press conference Saturday
Hundreds of people had gathered at the second annual Falling Angels Event in honor of deceased tenants of the Redfern Houses, many of whom died as a result of gun violence.
About 100 photographs of lost loved ones were hung on a fence with white balloons, a video of the event showed.
‘Everything was going so beautiful and so peaceful,’ Shareen High told the NY Daily News. ‘For some reason or another, a fight started here, then a fight started there, then you started hearing gunshots.’
Things turned violent around 9.30pm when a group of teens from a neighboring housing project came by, residents said.
One witness, identified only as David, told the Daily News tempers were flaring before the gunfire.
‘It started as a fistfight and then shots rang out. The kids were teenagers, 16 or 17,’ he said.
‘I saw a kid on the floor with his face busted up. There was a kid in cuffs. He was laying there on his side in cuffs, he looked motionless.’
The crowd scattered when they heard gunshots, according to resident Charlene Fowler.
‘We had our seniors sitting up in a tent, and some of them had walkers,’ she said, adding that she wished police would have intervened earlier.
‘His picture would have been up there next year,’ she said in reference to the wounded teen.
A Smith and Wesson semi-automatic handgun was found near the 15-year-old at the scene, police said.
He and the two officers involved in the shooting were taken to the hospital for evaluation.