This couple received a torrent of abuse from a furious resident because they parked outside his house while visiting friends in Reading.
Ben Moody, 25 who arrived with his girlfriend Harley Clarke, 21 was told to ‘f***ing shut the f*** up and f*** off’ when he attempted to park in his friends road by an abusive resident.
When Ben and Harley from Oxford arrived they were immediately confronted by a man and a woman who had pulled up alongside them.
They appeared to live in the house they had just parked outside of.
The woman approached Ben and Harley, inititally quite politely, and said: ‘Excuse me are you permit holders?’
They explained that they were staying with friends who live on the road who were lending them a permit for the night.
Ben and Harley were visiting friends in Reading when they encountered a furious resident who asked if they had a permit to park outside his house
The man then approached Ben’s side of the car and said: ‘You’re permit holders are you?’
To which Ben, a driving instructor, repeats: ‘We’re visiting someone.’
Although the couple have explained their reasons for being there and the fact that they do have a permit to leave the car the man continued to argue with them.
Harley then left the car to fetch the permit from the man they are staying with, Andrew.
When she tells the man this he replies: ‘Go and get f***ing Andrew then.’
Ben then tried to explain to the irate man that she did not mean it as a threat she was just going to get the permit to put in the car.
The resident then said: ‘I’m gonna wait – I am legally within my right to wait until you get a parking permit.’

The man (pictured) became abusive towards Ben, who kept his cool, when he realised that Ben had a permit to park there and wouldn’t be moving his car
The woman who is with him then said: ‘I don’t understand why you’re parked here when you want to visit down there.’
Ben told them that he has already tried to park down there but there was no space and if they had a problem to ring the council and take it up with them.
The woman who lives in the house Ben is parked outside of said: ‘Do you know how much I have to pay a year to park in my own street – £150.’
This seems to anger the resident even as he became more abusive and called Ben a ‘f***ing c***’ for not moving.

The abusive resident was accompanied by a woman who also appeared to live in the house Ben and Harley had parked outside of
He then moved to the front of the car where he appeared to be taking a photo of Ben’s vehicle, but Ben assured him that if he was going to make a complaint that he had the whole thing recorded on his dashcam.
Ben then asked: ‘What’s the problem with you parking over there?’
And the abusive man replied: ‘Cos we f***ing live here you p****.’
‘Will you ‘f***ing shut the f*** up and f*** off over there.’

This man reapeatedly asked Ben if he had a permit to park outside his house and the proceded called Ben a ‘f***ing p****’ among other insults
The woman then appeared to be calming him down all the while Ben kept his cool.
The angry man continued: ‘I’m in the right mood for a punch up.’
Eventually Harley arrived back with the permit and the couple left the car.
After the road rage altercation Ben posted the video on his Youtube channel.

Ben is a driving instructor and he and Harley were visiting friends after he had finished his shift
Ben said: ‘Harley has problems walking so I always try and get parking close to where ever we are going. The first parking spot I found was a little tight so I turned around and went to find another spot, I just so happened to park outside the guys house.
‘They pulled up alongside us and the guys got out and shouted at us to move, I kept my cool and my girlfriend went to get a visitors parking permit.
‘I didn’t want to move my car at the time as I knew that if the car was moved then he would repeat this again in future.
‘After I got out the car and walked away the neighbours on the street had a go at him for shouting at us, once I went into my friend house, the guy and the neighbours were still outside arguing.’