Covid-19 Australia: Uber driver who sparked Queensland Covid panic fined for border breach 

BREAKING NEWS: Uber driver who sparked Queensland Covid panic is slapped with $4,135 fine for a border breach

The unvaccinated Uber driver who sparked a Covid-19 scare in Queensland has been fined.

Duran Raman remains in Gold Coast University Hospital, more than a week after infected rideshare driver was rushed to hospital as his condition with the virus deteriorated. 

He’s been issued with a $4135 fine for a border breach after being interviewed by Queensland police.

Raman arrived in Queensland on October 10 following a trip to Melbourne but is believed to have been infectious several days prior. 

He then tested positive for coronavirus at the Robina Hospital, bringing an end to the state’s 15-day Covid-free streak. 

He allegedly checked out of the hospital before the results came back and had to be tracked down at his home by police and health authorities when he could not be contacted.

Police arrived at the resort, where he lives alone, last Wednesday and he was taken to Gold Coast University by an ambulance and placed on oxygen. 

Health authorities said the exercise enthusiast, who was ‘so sick he can barely speak’, has lived in the Island Beach Resort in Broadbeach for about 12 months and was out and about around the Gold Coast for 10 days while infectious. 

Adding to the difficulty of their task, Raman – who was unvaccinated and shared anti-vax videos over his social media accounts – allegedly did not use Queensland’s QR check-in system for over a month, according to health officials. 


More to come. 
