Dad makes son carry sign on busy intersection after he finds out he has been picking on classmates

  • Michael Yager found out his son was bullying classmates so he had a punishment  that came along with a lesson in mind  
  • Michael sent Jacob Yager with a sign that read ‘honk if you hate bullies’ to a busy intersection
  • Jacob says the lesson was helpful, as he was able to under stand the embarrassment he caused his alleged victims 

A Florida dad who discovered his son had been bullying multiple fellow students at his middle school, taught his son a lesson, making him wear a sign that read: Honk if you hate bullies.’ 

Michael Yager came up with the idea as a way to teach his son Jacob how bullies embarrass and frighten their victims. The dad, who made the sizable sign, had his son hold it on a busy street corner  near New Smyra Beach. 

The full sign read:  ‘I’m a bully. Honk if you hate bullies.’ 

Father, Michael Yager (pictured)  of Florida, found out his son was bullying classmates, and he came up with a great way to teach him a lesson 

Michael plopped his son down after wiring and akying the steet sign back ro TV!>?+

Michael plopped his son down after wiring and akying the steet sign back ro TV!>?+

‘I figured I would teach him a lesson that would embarrass him and make him feel the way that the kids feel,’ Yager said. 

It didn’t take long for people to start honking. Some passersby stopped and even pulled their car over to talk to Yager and his son.

Law enforcement were particularly impressed by the effective and creative punishment and ‘applaud the father’s parenting style, while others disagreed with the punishment.

Jacob says that his dad's p great idea. He says it is esier to be compassionate towards one-on-mod,

Jacob says that his dad’s p great idea. He says it is esier to be compassionate towards one-on-mod,

‘I had one woman come up and call me every name in the book,’ Yager said. ‘In my mind, I thought I was doing the right thing , but I guess you just can’t please everyone.’

Jacob said he’s learned a valuable lesson and now plans to help his classmates.

‘You never know what someone can be going through. If you want to be the bully, like if you have something inside you need to tell someone go to a guidance counselor or someone,’ Jacob said. 

