This is the heart-pounding moment where daredevil scoots on top of a Moscow Skyscraper.
Nikita Deft, 21, videoed his daring journey as he teeters on the edge of a massive drop.
The vertigo-inducing footage shows Nikita leaping and speeding over a criss-cross of beams, with tiny specs of cars below.
Nikita, a photographer and engineering student, said: ‘I can’t call myself a rooftopper, this hobby suggests other purposes.
‘I have the elements of parkour, acrobatics and extreme art – all this makes my works quite original.
‘I started this to do four years ago – It was very scary and exciting. At first I couldn’t look down and move my feet, but gradually I began to get the situation under control.
‘Now on any height I feel confident – I have a very good physical training and it gives me confidence.
‘When I was young my father wanted to make me a professional boxing career, but it did not work out and gradually I have formed my own goals and dreams.
‘I love to do what for many people consider impossible – it is something that you will not be able buy.
Nikita Deft standing on the edge of a 40-storey building high up in Moscow

The student, 21, rides a mini scooter on the edge of the building, just inches away from falling

Nikita Deft tumbles but manages to just keep his balance as he videoed the daring journey
‘In extreme moments I don’t’ think about anything – I just stay calm. Otherwise, it can lead to irreversible consequences.
‘I also have poor vision and wear contact lenses so that sometimes makes things harder.
‘I spend a lot of time training – probably almost every day.

The vertigo-inducing footage shows Nikita leaping and speeding over a criss-cross of beams, with tiny specs of cars below

Nikita Deft, also known as, Nikita Belyakov often posts videos of this stunts online and has racked up thousands of Instagram followers
‘My preference swings more towards photos, but while feel that I can feel the potential; I’m going to continue with the deadly video.
‘This video was shot in Moscow – the height of the building is about 40 floors and to get it was very difficult.
‘The doors were closed as well as security – in 15 minutes I got us arrested and kept in the police station later released, but I managed to keep the video and I got a lot of adrenaline.’