Daughter of high-profile barrister admits dealing drugs from her parents’ home, growing pot in her bedroom and selling acid for $30 on Facebook under the guise of ‘vegetables’
- Genevieve Horsely pleaded guilty to growing pot in bedroom, selling acid tabs
- The family’s palatial Alexandria terrace was raided by police in August last year
- The 21-year-old operated under the name of Gucci Grey and made deals online
- Her father is high profile lawyer Richard Horsley. She’ll be sentenced Thursday
The daughter of a high-profile barrister has admitted to dealing drugs from her parents’ home.
Genevieve Horsely pleaded guilty to growing cannabis in her bedroom, and selling acid tabs for $30 advertised as ‘vegetables’ on social media from her family’s palatial Alexandria terrace, south of Sydney, in August last year.
The 21-year-old daughter of lawyer Richard Horsley operated under the name of Gucci Grey and made her deals over Facebook.
The 21-year-old daughter of high profile lawyer Richard Horsley operated under the name of Gucci Grey and made her deals over Facebook
There is no suggestion the father or any other family member had any knowledge of his daughter’s illegal dealings.
Horsely offered acid tabs for $30, or Xanax for $10, Daily Telegraph reported.
She would use the backyard gate to deliver the drugs to her client, court documents revealed.
The court heard that she was caught after taking an order from a buyer, who was actually an undercover police officer.
She would then advise the buyer to meet her at the gate and hand over the drugs.
Horsley will be sentenced on Thursday.
The court heard that Horsely (pictured right) was caught after taking an order from a buyer, who was actually an undercover police officer